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The typical milestones of life – school, work, marriage, and raising kids – are usually concentrated in the first 50 years of life. So what do the next 50 years hold for you? These days, when making plans for those years of life, you have to take a lot into account: you may not have a pension to fall back on and need to think about income in later years, or maybe you don’t want to stop working and are following your passion to a new career. Planning for the next 50 years can require a bit more thought than the first 50 – you should consider your goals, your health, and your monetary expectations.
Andrew shares how to plan for the next 50 years in this video.
00:00 Start
0:21 Zubi’s Comment
1:30 American Pie
1:46 Living in California
2:55 Living in Shanghai
3:46 Living in Indonesia
4:20 Why Europe has Died
5:58 Multiple Citizenships
6:14 The Best Countries for Entrepreneurs
7:12 Moving to Europe
10:55 Armenian Citizenship
11:04 Turkish Citizenship
11:53 U.S. Citizenship
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
lol, lets all move to China. :, )
In Next 50 years Pakistan Economy will sky rocket & Real Estate Properties will be sky high and have the worlds 3-4 Largest Population. Its currently in rock bottom, about to default. This is the best time to buy this recession 7 bankrupty in Pakistan.
Probably going to be a major depopulation within 5 years.
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it. –Vince Lombardi
Nomad you appear to be hung up on this freedom thing with reference to Australia. For someone meant to have your finger on the pulse of the international rules you seem to have dropped the ball. Your information is invalid.
The market you play to is interesting. Move to the place where you are able to receive the greatest benefit whilst contributing as little as possible to the country you live in. Leach like, and like exploiters of old, you travel the world taking and not contributing. This is what it means to be a nomad capitalist.
Shots fired at Spain
Hard to move to Canada? Canada gets in 500 000 immigrants a year. So it looks like that basically anyone who wants in will get in.
Russia will not see growth?
The emperor of the world known as Klaus Schwab will decide what the next 50 years looks like 🙂
The 4 year time horizon is a side effect of democracy/universal franchise, but most people who criticize this short-sightedness have no alternative and are just as sycophantic in their support of democracy as anyone else. Also being multicultural is what ruined California. That shouldn't give you confidence for much of the developing world. Putnam's findings don't stop at the West. The multi-racial/multi-cultural aspect of Latin America is why it's been such a basket-case for its whole history
As a man with similar complexion I can't imagine you thrived in Arizona.
Studies on climate change systematically mention Indonesia as one of the most threatened areas in the upcoming decades though.
Amazing observation Putin made: that people can actually live without the West and its USD….or fiat or CBCD…or IMF or world Bank.
May I add: yes we can live without these YGL (young globalist leaders) trained by the WHO(of) and WEF as well…AND these self-appointed overlords and their fiat system.
It starts with a mental change… see yourself eg as a new world money holder BRICSConian or bitcoinian…or whatever money system that brings LIFE or for that matter just a new creature…worldwide… easy, and biblical.
Christ set the example as this new creation. We should emulate that.
This dude is based AF. I think the world would be better off if people just realized they can vote with their feet, and it seems like it's moving in that direction.
Nice episode. Geopolitical issues are changing fast right now, so being in multiple regions is a must. I'm thinking at least one in Asia, perhaps one in Dubai or eastern Europe, and one in Mexico, El Salvador or somewhere in Latin America.
Spain will be eaten away by feminism with the exception of small pockets being sustained by tourism and expats.
Empire's, major city states, super powers all have golden ages. And even at the end of the golden age they will continue to act like the hot girl at the dance. You can't tell them anything until better prospects come along and they have to compete again.
Probably best is to get a citizenship that can be passed down generation after generation
Hey Andrew! I know this sounds like scifi for most but if you follow the research in anti aging, we might be the first generation to have access to anti aging medicine by 2050. I believe that if you are 40 or under this should definitely be part of a 50 year plan 😉
Yes! Be a Bulgarian! From Bulgaria with love!
Hey Andrew, I've been following your content for some years now. Always so much value.
But you never mention Germany! That continues to grow and is making naturalisation fairly easy..
Could you make a video about Germany, The good the bad and the new?
Would love to see that!
They don’t have a 50 year plan because the hidden hand controlling those politicians already have their own 100 year plan for us
50 years ? I’m at the point where I hesitate to buy green bananas 😳
Finally, good content! Thanks Andrew.
My greatest happiness is the weekly profit get consistently and i'm glad got into crypto when I did because it's been a turning point for me financially. been my best decision so far…
Just being aware of what's going on in the wider world because it could impact your assets whether that being stocks or real estate and considering the long time frames you're talking about especially with stocks will that company you own shares in have a Nokia / kodac moment are they innovating to mitigate that possibility or is CEO just winging it until they get the gold parachute before the company goes bankrupt. Must admit my time frame is 10-25 years when planning ahead think I would need the services of Elon Musk's NeruLink company in 50 years to still be functioning 🙂 Hmm might be worth investing in that.
“Anyone wishing to conquer a people could do it by using this system: breaking its ties with heaven and land, introducing fratricidal quarrels and fights, promoting immorality and licentiousness, by material ruin, physical poisoning, drunkenness. All these destroy a nation more than being blasted by thousands of cannons or bombed by thousands of airplanes.”
― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
"Democracy elects men totally lacking in scruples, without any morals; those who will pay better, thus those with a higher power of corruption; magicians, charlatans, demagogues, who will excel in their fields during the electoral campaign. Several good men would be able to slip through among them, even politicians of good faith. But they would be the sl**es of the former."
– Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
"Democracy is incapable of perseverance. Since it is shared by political parties that rule for one, two, or three years, it is unable to conceive and carry out plans of longer duration. One party annuls the plans and efforts of the other. What is conceived and built by one party today is destroyed by another tomorrow. In a country in which much has to be built, in which building is indeed the primary historical requirement, this disadvantage of democracy constitutes a true danger. It is a situation similar to that which prevails in an establishment where masters are changed every year, each new master bringing in his own plans, ruining what was done by some, and starting new things, which will in turn be destroyed by tomorrow's masters."
– Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Wise words amigo
5:30 False! The US is a union of 50 states much like the European Union. However because most people don't understand this and a constant attack on state sovereignty there is far to much federal power thus justify the line of thought, why move to another state when you could just as easily move halfway around the world.
LOL, my man's got jokes assuming the world is still even around after that.
You are so Correct ! Your on the right track keep going !
I always say live in the present now and it'll handle the future itself. Allow opportunity to come in
I don't think Canada is going to collapse the way Europe may. Immigration and being the US natural resource backyard will keep it afloat.
Play the long game.
Planning next 50 days: there will be 75 videos on GEORGIA, less views, and more upset clients at Nomad Capitalist.