Home Real Estate Huge dinosaur skeleton unearthed in Portuguese garden – BBC News

Huge dinosaur skeleton unearthed in Portuguese garden – BBC News

Huge dinosaur skeleton unearthed in Portuguese garden – BBC News

The remains of what could be the largest dinosaur ever discovered in Europe are being excavated in a Portuguese back garden.

The fossilised skeleton of a sauropod was discovered in the central city of Pombal in 2017, when a man began building work on his house.

Sauropods were the biggest of all dinosaurs and the largest land animals to have ever lived.

They had long necks and tails, ate plants and walked on four legs.

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  2. Something supposedly millions of years extinct only a few meters deep in someones back yard? that doesn't make much sense now does it…. a more catastrophic event involving a lot of water only a few thousand years ago does however

  3. The answer to why it took so long to announce this is they don't need tourist standing around all day in the way ! To the Guy down below ! Oh and how about dealing with the neighbors ? Or was it only on one persons land so quick you are to Blow your horn with out thinking ??


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