In this video, I will be taking cuba, one of the smallest nations in the world and turn it into one of the greatest powers on the planet by building every building known to man with the BIGGEST GDP in the game and conquering industry, technology and prestige! I will win wars and through battles and diplomacy, to secure the best resources in the game! This game is similar to Europa Universalis 4, HoI4 and CK3!
Thanks so much for watching! It means the absolute world to me!
🏴🏴Tune in for more Ottawan madness!🏴🏴
Email: OttawaWelshman@Gmail.com
Intro 0:00
Preparing my Army 1:00
Building up Cuba: 3:00
Infrastructure: 6:20
Decrees: 7:25
Like and Sub Pls: 8:40
Resume video: 9:04
Political groups and legitimacy and clout: 9:30
Creepy popup 11:03
Railways and Infrastructure 13:40
Rail Transportation 15:30
Subsistence Farms in V3: 17:15
Victoria 3 bureaucracy and tax waste 18:40
Building buildings in Victoria 3: 20:00
Victoria 3 universities and education: 20:00
Playing as Prussia, going really good. At some point I now got the north german state but all my states are basically radical now because the standard of living didn't change at all while the GDP skyrocked and now a ton of goods are undersupplied no matter how much I build. Even went as far as I am now almost went bankrupt lol
I have not bought the game because of the negative comments and because the reality is that I have Victoria 2 very adjusted historically and of graphics and maps and I enjoy it daily, so I will wait for them to improve the 3a, and that may take.
Cuba was the general captaincy of Spain in America in the 19th century and since the 18th century, I did not know that it produced the largest and most important ships of the Spanish empire and at that time one of the most powerful in the world, so it had a very powerful fleet in the region, which was already aging at the end of the 19th century, Spain, concentrated all its military force in Cuba, but could not withstand the force of the liberating army, supported by the national and Florida bourgeoisie.good video.
Takes until 1925 to establish yourself with a rock solid economy? Yikes. What paradox should do next is just make a massive baby from at least Late Europa time(like start of the 17th century, 1600’s), and be able to play out effectively alt reality up to stellaris tech of just starting out as you do in Stellaris.
absolutely awesome (and funny) video, thanks !
Reminds me of the spiffing Brit in terms of production style
Hey I just wanted to leave a comment as constructive criticism (yes I'm one of those guys) do with it what you like.
First of, I want to say I like the style of your video but something that really bugged me was the commentary/voice over.
The longer I listened the more noticable it was that it was really stitched together, the small cuts in the middle of sentences and the lack of pauzes between sentences takes out all of the flow.
I am by no means an expert, but I think if you write out a script (maybe even word for word) and then read it out in one go without cutting and pasting everything together it would be beneficial to your videos.
Keep op the good work and hope to see more of you.
by completely neglecting the Spanish economy and using their hard earned taxes as subsidies for its development.
Al gobierno de Cuba le gusta este video. Saludos desde Cuba
Soo you are playing as Spain ALL game, you are boosting Cuba provinces and then switch to Cuba for couple of months … nice clickbait -.-
Can we just ignore the fact that he plays as SPAIN not CUBA ?
This is certainly less painful than starting immediately with just Cuba
Why did your GDP in Cuba halve from 1857 @ 16:55 to 1866 @ 20:10? It was 16M then 8M and you didn't comment on that huge drop.
You kinda what Portugal did with Brazil straight up moving their centre of government there.
Dude you should not tax grain! Look at the authority cost! If you taxed Services and Tobacco you would make equally much money, save 300 authority, and you know also not actively lower the living standard of your poor pops by making what they buy the most of significantly more expensive.
Making Spain an economic powerhouse. There, fixed your title.
So you played Spain
More like this please
But you didn't play as Cuba. You played as Spain.
why is there so many npcs in the comments
Click simulation game, as far as i can see 😂
Hey can u do DR I mean with Haití revel as Dominican republic
I think he will play as Cuba, and annex all countries with a similar name…
like i did😎
i did cuba and it was fun i had to become friends with France to become free form spain me and france would crush them with france geting huge amount of land after i had to be freinds with the usa making them our protectors and leting me join there martket this was the best thing for a time i grew my gdp and going throw and gdp war with Texas (i won) my citys got rich powerfull and i became a world superpower as every falls in to war and whatever i grew my power in the south of amercia this was a good thing as they were power the smaller vassel states i had there it help me protected myself form the usa who wanted by rich lands.
12:00 lmao
Put those “minors” to work.😂
Gotta say I was
verydisappointed to see this not being an Independent Cuba guide whatsoever. You're basically just picking a random state and turning it into a powerhouse – as a major power.i found that the IA really sucks in this game… by 1900 i usually am the only country without civil war or strugling economically
>be "cuba" playthrough
>picks spain
>gradually moves the entire spanish population to america by investing all of spain's taxes in cuba
its a nice idea but its also boring that u all doing this as spain