An IELTS speaking section example Use the subtitles to practice your English. Get our app today: This video is an IELTS speaking section interview with a native South Korean speaker who would score a band 7 for his responses. This playlist teaches important strategies for IELTS speaking interview. Check out our world class IELTS prep website at This video is a part in a series that instructs the steps necessary to achieve a high score, between 7 to 9, on the IELTS speaking section question. The series includes two example speaking interviews with native S. Korean speakers. This series will teach you the skills that will help you to be successful, confident and to reach success on these questions during the speaking interview. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to practice. Use the subtitles as necessary to help you comprehend the information. It is important to practice a lot to give full sentence answers which reflect the grammar structure of the questions. Strategies will help with fluent language, natural language and complex language. Enjoy. Follow us now on twitter @aehelp
雅思口语部分示例。立即获取我们的应用: =。这段视频是雅思口语部分专访,采访了一位韩国本地人,他的回答将在乐队中获得7分。该播放列表教授雅思口语面试的重要策略。请访问我们的世界一流的雅思备考网站,网址为。该视频是该系列视频的一部分,该系列视频指导在IELTS口语部分问题上取得7到9之间的高分所必需的步骤。该系列包括两个以英语为母语的访问者的访谈访谈示例。本系列将教您一些技巧,这些技巧将帮助您在口语面试中成功,自信并在这些问题上取得成功。请仔细按照说明进行操作,并确保进行练习。根据需要使用字幕,以帮助您理解信息。重要的是要多做练习以给出完整的句子答案,以反映问题的语法结构。策略将有助于流利的语言,自然语言和复杂语言。请享用。立即在推特上关注我们@aehelp