Home Immigration Installing Windows, Residency Shenanigans in Portugal and some Mediocre Mystery Wieners…

Installing Windows, Residency Shenanigans in Portugal and some Mediocre Mystery Wieners…

Installing Windows, Residency Shenanigans in Portugal and some Mediocre Mystery Wieners…

This week we finished pouring the cement in the living room. Feels so good to get that done.
Our custom order for windows was delivered so the next job was to install them. We struggled a bit with the windows because the weight of the glass was pulling the windows out of alignment when trying to screw the frames in place, but we powered through and got them all done. (Unfortunately the last window is not level so we have since decided to fix it.)
Now that we finally got our address sorted out we decided to change the address on my residency certificate. There was some confusion and we were sent on a wild goose chase, only to end up at the office I went to in the first place. Finally success!
Stay tuned for the Mystery Wieners at the end!!!

Fanfare Music by PixaBay.com
Music by ZapSplat.com



  1. Recently discovered your channel and have been enjoying all the videos. Watch a number of channels of Ex-Pats in Portugal , usually Brits, and the contrast to watching Americans is interesting.

  2. Corta las salchichas en trozos pequeños y cocinelas en aceite con tomate, cebolla y algún chile que le guste, al final póngale un poco de queso de su preferencia y vea si saben mejor así. Saludos desde el norte de México.

  3. I wonder if you split the wieners lengthwise and grill them if it would help add flavor and distract from the mushiness? Even chopping them across into rounds then frying them. Glad you got the address thing worked out in the end!💕


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