Those who have been enjoying expat life in Portugal know about the wonderful things that this country has to offer. But my question would be: is too much mainstream media attention going to ruin it for the people who have already decided to make a life in Portugal? I’m not saying that I have the answer to that… but I do take issue with the picture that was painted by this article on CNN Travel about Portugal. Some of the simplest sentiments that were written in this piece are things that I personally find quite shocking that they could even say about Portugal and the lack of credit that they give to the Portuguese is something I find appalling… The Portuguese people deserve credit for the beauty and success and attraction of their own country. In this expat living abroad podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter we’ll go over a recent article posted to CNN travel called “The European capital of cool that keeps getting cooler” by Richard Quest and Joe Minihane.
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CNN: "Cartoons News Network"
CNN is a pathetic losers
Muitas dúvidas e poucas respostas. Tal como eu
Bom trabalho. Gostei de ouvir. tks
Portugal, is a country almost a thousand years old. We have the oldest borders in Europe. Lisbon is the second oldest city in Europe, after Athens.

At the end of ten sec. we have some awareness of what we are.
Well said
When you find a place where the waiters do not feel like they own the country and treat those visiting as lazy and ignorant, it becomes a paradise!
When you visit Italy and France for example, they will make you feel like shit if you are not wearing expensive clothes or jewelry! And if you are wearing those they will rip you from a decent funeral!
P.R. And Marketers misrepresent every thing and then ruin it.
You really know us, don't you, you TUGA??

Thanks for another great episode. For the past several months, I've been researching relocating to Portugal and your videos are very helpful. I did read the CNN article and it will have no influence on where in Portugal I ultimately choose to live. Information provided by those who are actually living in the country is much more valuable to me.
Pastéis de Belém will never be overrated!
That CNN article is trash.
Alfama lost its soul by rising rents, gentrification and displacement of locals.
I traveled in 2008 when Lisbon used to be "normal" ,
Now it's not the case, it's over-touristed out to Barcelona levels
Pure BS
Fact: Expats, with their higher income, promotes a huge increase of the real estate all over Portugal. Lisbon, for exemple, is now a place for non locals. It's simple impossible to pay the rent or buy a house there. I remember that the avarege salary is Lisbon is less than 1200 Euros. Before tax.
The people moving to Lisbon have jacked up the prices so high that it is no longer an affordable place. The rents there are similar to prices in US; Americans want all their stuff and will pay higher prices for it. It’s sad that it’s like that there now. I no longer want to move there
Switch to Sunday so you can enjoy Friday nights
The Portuguese are not as welcoming as they come across. They will tell you " volta para tua terra " . I can't tell you how many times I heard that. Americans like it because they feel they don't have to learn Portuguese. The Portuguese will get tired of that really quickly. Boa sorte!
I compare Lisbon with some African capitals. There's the capital and the rest is landscape. Every sucessfull appening in the country is absorved by Lisbon with the important very oiled media help.
The Plano Diretor Nacional is directed to benefict the Soud from the time the Soud was poor than North, now the North is the poorest region and "Plan" keeps the same like an apparthaid.
Yeah, I have to agree with you in part about the nuanced tone of that article. If I had read the same thing about, say my city, I could have easily taken offense over the insinuations the tone of the article gave off. I don't even bother reading that stuff any more. This author is a prime example of why.
After traveling and living abroad in area for an extended amount of time, my experience was that what ruined areas is the expats. Those that come wanting to be able to live cheap and then grumble about not having things their way and when they want.
Breathless descriptions of travel destinations are the norm to compete for attention.
Expatiating in PT was ruined by the PT government when they raised the 0% taxes to 10%. CNN is not relevant.
Anyone know of any good ex-pat social groups in Lisbon? Do you think I’m joking? I think it’s a little presumptuous and condescending to lecture Americans or anybody moving to another country that wanting to meet others from your home country is almost a crime, as if you shouldn’t create a supportive network if it involves anybody from your home country, even as One attempts to integrate one’s self into a new city, country, culture, and everything else. How crass of those Americans who attempt to replicate their lives back home in the new country! What a waste! Well who the hell does that? nobody! Because you can’t replicate it;’you’re in a foreign country! Even if you try to make just like your old life in America, (which I don’t think anyone who decides to move to a foreign country tries to do, unless you were brought there and willingly, The process of acculturation includes culture clash and a lot of steep learning as you integrate. Truly, moving to another country is a very stressful thing, very disorienting, especially if you don’t speak the language (as you struggle to learn it), and it’s understandable that people seek out other people who also came here from the same country. I have been told by both Portuguese as well as others that have lived in foreign countries, to not count on making a lot, or any, Portugues friends, that the friendships i’d most likely make would be with expats, and in the case of Americans, that would be either Americans or the British. And there’s nothing wrong or bad about that. I find the Portuguese to be very friendly, delightful and decent people, but at least with older Portuguese, they have their lives set, they have their . I think it was due to the dynamics of this particular apartment building, but nevertheless I did not find them welcoming beyond the most superficial.
CNN is a joke…
Albania is next up ! 1 year you get as a tourist with an American passport. No visa. The south is just like Greece too.
Great video, Rafael. I read this same CNN article when it was published and, admittedly, barfed a little in my mouth. It was written like a travel brochure from a tour company. Lisbon (actually Portugal in general) has been on the radar for digital nomads for quite some time but is not seen as a tourist destination by most folks here in the US.
Excelente análise.
I agree with just a note. The euro era really changed Lisbon. I still like the tras-dos-montes region above the South.
Pastel de nata is a Lisbon thing
I agree with you, it was like one of those pamphlets you get in a hotel in San Diego advertising going to to Tijuana, in other words sounded like a travel brochure. I love Lisbon and love getting lost in the side streets and stairs, but agree there is so much more to Portugal than Lisbon. Always enjoy your content whatever day you want to post it.
Pasteis de nata from my town Évora are much better than pasteis de Belém. I know, cause I lived in the street where pasteis de Belém are made for 6 years.
CNN is a joke
Bom trabalho, tens toda a razão