Home Real Estate Is Monaco Still Relevant? #shorts

Is Monaco Still Relevant? #shorts

Is Monaco Still Relevant? #shorts



  1. right. fairly confident monaco was never relevant to culturally, gastronomically, and socially inept anglophones with autistic fixations on income taxes. the french/italian riviera is one of the most desirable places on earth, let me know when people are defecting en mass for malta and montenegro. what next? people fleeing geneva for libya?

  2. bruv, is this exclusive nightclub even relevant? they're charging £1,000 for a bottle when you have options! let's go to lidl and buy the "same thing" for £20 and celebrate in my bedsit.

  3. Yes, I think it is. I was just there a week ago and it was fantastic. The food isn't as expensive as you mentioned, though. But them I'm used to Switzerland prices. (The delicious double cheeseburger at the Monaco Bay Resort was 35 Euros)

  4. Anything you save in Monaco in taxes, would be equalised by the sky high cost of living there, especially its property prices. Its only the ultra high net worth people which would choose it.


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