Home Immigration Jacob Rees-Mogg: French are Nasty get Ferry to Portugal instead… Spot the Problem?

Jacob Rees-Mogg: French are Nasty get Ferry to Portugal instead… Spot the Problem?

Jacob Rees-Mogg: French are Nasty get Ferry to Portugal instead… Spot the Problem?

Jacob Rees-Mogg says people should get a Ferry to Portugal to avoid queues at Dover…

The Brexit opportunities minister insisted the French are to blame for huge queues building at the port of Dover – but French authorities say the extra checks are due to Brexit…

Jacob Rees-Mogg has said people should go on holiday to Portugal if they want to avoid huge queues at Dover.

The Brexit opportunities minister insisted the UK’s departure from the EU has nothing to do with the traffic chaos facing holidaymakers trying to cross the Channel – pointing to Portugal’s use of e-gates for British travellers.

He blamed the gridlocks on the French for “not getting enough people to man the extra booths” that have been put in by the Port of Dover.

He told reporters: “If the French decide not to provide the immigration officers that are needed, then there will be queues. But this was a decision of the French.

“I mean, it’s worth noting that the Portuguese have allowed the British to use e-gates to get into Portugal. So it may be that people will find it’s easier to go on holiday in Portugal.”

He added that Portugal was our oldest ally “so we should always be very friendly towards the Portuguese”.

The comments come after the AA issued its first ever “amber” traffic warning ahead of time, saying this weekend will be “extremely busy” – with all eyes on Dover and Folkestone following getaway chaos since the start of the summer holidays.

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  1. mogg is thick but incredibly confidant, he is of course a complete narccassist who genuinly thinks he is better than you and deserves to rule as a rite , sadly he is delusional and wrong about absolutly everything, yet a lot of people who seek autharaterians need to believe, its something to do with there parents and there need to be told how to think, his authaurity makes them feel safe and loved. it is of course a vermeer of intelligance created by the education system

  2. even if the french were nasty and did this on purpose without a cause … why would that matter to the UK? According to Brexiteers/Tories the UK holds all the cards and the weak EU couldnt refuse them … which means its those Tories who chose to let their people get fd by the EU as they refuse to use all this Brexit power and sovereignty.
    Always fun whenever these conservative idiots contradict themselfs, even giving them one claim being true makes them wrong on a handful of other claims … and their dumb supporters wouldnt notice even if you tatoo them these contradictions on the forehead. Simply hilarious this comedy program which Brits call UK news.

  3. Rather than either France (where I live) or Portugal (where my son lives), can I suggest Rwanda? I hear it's lovely, with English speakers to be found in some really nice hotels…

  4. It is definitely the French's fault that such declarations are being made routinely. The French are not answering in kind, and they should! French bashing has become too normalized in Britain (and amongst Republicons here in the US). The French should challenge this type of speech because it becomes a fact for many when constantly repeated. Brexit has provided them with many tools they can use to flex on the UK and keep the likes of JRM civil.

  5. Moggy lives on another planet?….. That can only be Uranus. So it's all the fault of the French. I don't know why they bother at all. The UK voted to be isolated, banning freedom of movement, so the EU should honor the will of the English people and cut off all links.

  6. Alright, since I live here, allow me to illuminate you, since your "minister" is unable to access our sites that are, would you believed it, translated in English! We could update them to Latin, but he still wouldn´t understand, since he is also a Latin illiterate.

    Number one, having the name of the country were I live quoted by the stick figure is a huge dishonor.

    Number two, there are no EU- Gates for Brits in Portugal, in three airports in Portugal, Lisbon, Faro and Funchal, since April 2022 I think, there are scanning gates where British passports, but also American and some other nationalities I do not recall since it is so unimportant for us and just a bureaucracy, can be scanned and your entry registered, so while in Portugal you will not need your passport stamped, you will be registered like any third country citizen and the time "counted"; what we did was, in the restructuration of Border Services and technology in passport register and people register, updated our systems, since we do not live in Victorian Times like some, it is for our convenience, since this way we can liberate resources and people to do physical and documental checks.
    If you come trough the land or sea borders you will have your passport checked and stamped, so in the vague chance you pick up a lift of a ship coming from Norway where we still fish our precious cod, and we buy a lot from the Norwegians, arriving at the port our "Sea" Police would be waiting for you. I highly recommend you to not travel to Portugal via ship since in past times only Portuguese merchant ships were mad enough to cross this part of the sea, but, well we brought you the fried fish with fried potatoes your people watched our sailors cook in the port since you lot only ate meat and some kind of porridge thing (historical account, our sailors also brought the batter tempura – comes from Portuguese tempero, seasoning – to the Japanese to fry food), so it was not all bad.

    Number three, British tourism is still important for us, since they are about 25 to 30 % of total European Tourists, but they have been replaced along these last years by EU tourists, and Americans that are growing, and Asians, in economical terms the USA as even surpassed the UK in our non EU business partners statistics, so it is a tendency in growing tourist numbers from the USA. Point being UK tourists are money and that is all, claiming "allies" when our PM was 45 minutes with the blonde buffoon and our President didn´t even wanted to meet him, claiming "no agenda" to be polite, is trying to pretend the relationship with Britain is frosty to put it simply and not quote some of the harder remarks made by senior politicians here, google them. The Brits are lucky we, unlike they in so many occasions in the past, always honor our word, and if you get a Portuguese to promise you something, he´ll keep is word, unless he/she is a coward, so we stand by our agreements – including our EU compromises, like our one President said commenting on the PM´s visit to Bojo.

    Number four, the British never were unwelcomed in Portugal, tourist is a business, a profitable one, but it is changing, especially in terms of golf vacations and resort based tourism, and there will be more changes in the next years, how that will affect the tourism coming in from the UK, who knows, the one thing that is turning the UK tourist into a less "attractive" tourist is the lack of funds of said tourist and their legal and economical liability, since not being a part of the EU they require different treatment that, becoming unprofitable, will disappear, if there are viable conditions, then it will continue.

    Number five, google everything, you can obtain all the information's you need about travelling to Portugal online on official websites, and be careful, since like I commented on a previous video, there are pressures for the existence of a common treatment of the Brits in the EU, and some of the bilateral agreements Portugal as with Britain are going to be altered and updated, and some of the restrictions other EU countries are doing will sooner or later apply here, so I would be prepared, and also be prepared for different kind of checks, the simple and very pragmatic situation we have is that the government is using the influx of tourists to feed the economy with fresh cash, and as soon as the Summer becomes Winter, there are bound to be changes.

    Oh, and do not believe one word your authorities tell you, use our websites to know how to travel here, in the past there were "dozens" of errors in the official British sites.

  7. JUXTAPOSED CHECKS – The checks are juxtaposed to stop migrants hiding in trucks, buses & cars whilst still in France. This has been the case for well over a decade, I think agreed in the Le Touquet agreement of 2003.
    These checks make it necessary for the driver to get out of each & every car, lorry etc and allow security official to check, quite thoroughly, with mirrors, carbon dioxide checks etc.
    The French officials neither complain, nor do they intervene to stop tailbacks developing.

    Just saying …. The British politicians really should consider their words, c a r e f u l l y.

  8. How ironic that the people that are more likely to be affected by the Brexit chaos witch can actually afford to go on holiday by car are tory voters, freedom of movement was ALLWAYS going to be a two way street. JRM is a clown that belongs in UKIP not the tory party.

  9. Even it were true, wouldn't it be stupid to have Brexit benefits based on how the French might or might not behave? It's ridiculous any which way. Why haven't they negotiated? Oh, they did then they decided to break the law.

  10. Dear Jacob,
    Please leave us out of the f*cking sh*t show you have created.
    Yours Truely
    Your friends in Portugal
    PS I hear Disney World, Florida has created a Brexit ride. You sit in a car for 13 hours and it doesn't move.


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