Sky News understands Jacob Rees-Mogg has resigned as Business Secretary.
It comes after Rishi Sunak became the UK’s new prime minister.
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Good news
Absolute cretin
This clown loves getting used just a daft man he's had more camp's than bare grillls in this government thinks its ok to tell lies and the people will except it fuk off long chin
I bet he went crying to nanny after.
The ultimate fake! Accent, clothes, all one big overblown stage-act.
Oh dear bye bye Jacob, back to your brood and fade into oblivion
Oh what a shame! The UK is now in real trouble. What will Nanny say?
mogg off
Mogg is more of a free thinker knows what the electorate want. He will not be a puppet for the globalist unelected WEF billionaires, who are people who treat our country like part of a big project. ( Hobby ). Tyranny is already practically fully formed.
No Great Loss.
No small loss.
No miniscule loss.
No quantum particulate loss.
No 2nd Law of Thermodynamics entropic loss.
Basically, All Good.
What as Krishnan Guru-Murthy would call a C word.
How long until JRM is mmm "questioned" in the street?
Pet Shop Boy says "My bottom still hurts"
Next headline. JRM is investigated for his involvement with Pet Shop Boys
Good riddance to a horrible man. Come the revolution he will be first against……..
Zunsk shouldn't be so smug in his new position!
Jacob Reese mog is right!
Too many socialists
I like Jrm
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Great news. The less influence the hideous throwback moron has the better
Shame he doesn't resign as an MP
Would he not have probably left anyway due to Sunak wanting his own team.
In 1947 the Brits handed over India to Indians in a horrible economic condition
In 2022 the Brits handed over Britain to an Indian in a horrible economic condition.
Basically Anythng they have touched through history has ended up in a horrific economic condition.
In administrative re-organization or bankruptcy.
Principally they cannot count.
Do not understand weights and measures as well as fundamentals of logic.
A self promoting detriment to themselves and everyone around them.
Won't be missed
Rees Mogg backed Bojos entirely fictitious claim re >100 votes!😮😩
Good, he can do less damage now.
Glad this clueless dummy is scacked
He didn't care the slightest about GB but how to play power politics with his stupidity. He should get lost and not come back. Britain don't need people like him in any role. He get used to staying as a back bencher and shut his mouth for a change because no one would care what he says.
If Rees-Mogg thinks Thatcherite Sunak is too left wing to serve under then I dread to think how far right Mogg really is. What a warped corroded party the Tories are!
Re-Smog should be kept well away from our businesses and anything to do with the environment. He’s fracking evil.
This odious thing belongs in the 18th century. Tardis for Mogg!!.
Fantastic news
Bye, gurrrllll 🎉
Of course he did 🤣
Bye bye
Mogg talks a brilliant fight, but actually does nothing. No real Conservative should still be in the party.
I have always said that Sunak, during the furlough scheme, was a pure Marxist. He controlled the finances of the country and used the public purse to create harmony. This is straight Marxist practice, looking after the people. So, I agree with JRM on this one issue; Sunak was a socialist. Whether he is one still, we can only speculate. JRM has made up his own mind on this.
Of all the wide range of evil weasels and poisonous toads in the tories, Mogg was the poster boy for dripping his slime over everything. I wouldn't let him pick up turds in a park for a quid a day.
Good work, Jacob 👏🏻🤝🏻👍🏻💫
🗺planets places 🌏🌎🌍
The most useless politician ever.
Rishi should ask him to loiter inconspicuously outside the cabinet office and shine the shoes of everyone going in for a meeting.
Never could stand him
His demeanor, his ideas and the way he confronts issues is painfully outdated
The dude is comically Victorian in ideals and speech alone
The dude exudes comic villain energy
Good riddance to bad rubbish! Shame that Sunak had the bad judgement to keep Cruella on as Home Secretary.
Good nothing but could make me happier he can frack off
Indians are taking over our country..next it will be law we all eat curry and change our religion.