Home Immigration James O'Brien caller says the Commonwealth is at risk

James O'Brien caller says the Commonwealth is at risk

James O'Brien caller says the Commonwealth is at risk

James O’Brien caller says the Commonwealth is at risk. This caller says the Commonwealth is at risk as the younger Caribbean generation starts to ask: ‘What purpose is there having a head of state overseas in a country that has actively discouraged them from coming there?’ James O’Brien caller says the Commonwealth is at risk as younger Caribbean generations start to question what the purpose is to having a foreign head of state. After explaining earlier in his show that the Commonwealth “for good or for ill” “won’t survive in its current form” James O’Brien had a caller phone in to giver her opinion. Nicola in Biggleswade called in saying she is a “third generation British Caribbean descendent”. “I do think there will be change and I don’t think it is necessarily just because the Queen is no longer reigning,” she started, “because Barbados made changes while the Queen was still alive. “And I think that is just the start of a conversation that is going to be had more widely in the Caribbean.” She went on to acknowledge the younger generations in the Caribbean that have less connection with the Monarch saying they have “serious questions that need to be answered”. The caller proposed they’d ask:”What purpose there is having their head of state be this foreign body from overseas in a country that has actively discouraged them coming there. It doesn’t make any sense.” James agreed saying, “No it doesn’t does it”. “It makes sense to people of my grandma’s generation who came over with a blue passport, who love the Queen,” the caller recognised but said “that generation is dying out.” She continued: “My husband often refers to the commonwealth as ‘The nations that are common and the wealth in the UK’. There is absolutely no benefit to them [commonwealth countries] “The United States has an open door policy for the Caribbean, so does Canada.” In shock James responded: “And we don’t, I didn’t know that.” James O’Brien concluded the call saying: “The way you describe it, it is inevitable. The only question is why it hasn’t happened sooner.”

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  1. I think that she is looking at it from a Caribbean centric perspective..a number of members of the commonwealth are already republics ..and two are members of the EU Malta and Cyprus . India and Pakistan of course are republics and others such as Australia and New Zealand may choose this path . The commonwealth may not survive but I don’t think it’s demise would be the Caribbean nations choosing a republican model .

  2. Great caller!She makes her case with grace and intelligence.The new Truss Trump government are going to make their fascism felt so much so that the U K itself will splinter.

  3. This lady , actual experience of the situation. Like her explanation of the Common/wealth. Yes I didn't know that I knew people from the Caribbean required visas to enter the Ok but didn't know about their status in the US or Canada. It would be laughable to these people's understanding and awareness of how they are treated but they have have to show fielty to the crown and UK 🤣😂🤣😂 Sorry people in other countries aren't that stupid as they seem to be here.

  4. The commonwealth is a thing of the past, we can remain friends but there are no material benefits either way, we should all be looking to our neighbours in this day and age, the break up of the commonwealth shouldn't be acrimonious, it's natural progression.

  5. I don't understand why Kenya is part of CommomWRECK after what the british colonisers did to the Mau Mau Revolutionaries.

    UK paid white enslavers for the loss of property i.e. slaves. Only few Mau Mau revolutionaries who can afford lawyers to sue them in UK were compensated.

    Still keeping stolen artefacts and bones of powerful fighters in the air conditioned warehouse of LOOT aka british museum.
    Time is coming to return EVERYTHING they stole back, PAY REPARATIONS and cut ALL colonial ties for good.


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