Home Immigration James O'Brien rips apart UK's 'reluctant' response to Ukraine refugee crisis | LBC

James O'Brien rips apart UK's 'reluctant' response to Ukraine refugee crisis | LBC

James O'Brien rips apart UK's 'reluctant' response to Ukraine refugee crisis | LBC

James O’Brien questions why the government have been reluctant to offer the same welcome to Ukrainians fleeing war than EU member states.

“You know and I know now that our country’s response to the refugee crisis will be among the worst in the world – or let us say, among the worst in Europe”, James O’Brien began.

His reflections came after the government pledged to house up to 200,000 Ukrainians in the UK in response to the Russian invasion.

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  1. Canada will be taking an UNLIMITED NUMBER of Ukrainian refugees; and they are a very long way from Ukraine. This Brexit Tory government is draining the Great out of Great Britain one day at a time. Shameful, utterly shameful.

  2. Let's not talk about the current housing crisis in the country….so when James stops his virtue signalling and opens up his home to refugees then so will I.

  3. Because like the 🇺🇸 , the authoritarian, isolationist, in many cases inspired by Putin, culture wars and misguided religious zealots, propaganda has gained a foothold. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦

  4. Even Australia, a country on the other side of the world is taking steps to welcome refugees from Ukraine….and doing what it can to assist Ukraine in this war…for the UK government to say they are not close enough to Ukraine to warrant assistance is disgusting

  5. That's easy, trying to make their wrongs right. They got brexit done, and did everything in their power to keep our borders and airports open during covid, so now theyxre so tightly closed that even brits themselves won't be allowed back from holidays without a carrot picking visa.

  6. Are you blind James? I live in Leicester and here as in many cities the indigenous people are in a minority. We’ve had refugees from all over the world, a very large amount from Somalia and more recently from Afghanistan. We’ve had up to 1000 illegal immigrants arriving in Britain in a single day on boats, on top of the ones who come here legally. All have to be housed and fed. We are a small island with a large population. We are only half the size of France but with the same population. We are half the size of Sweden who have a tiny population of only ten million. We have always taken more than our share, especially when you consider that many arriving in France, Germany, Belgium and Holland etc use those countries as a stepping stone and end up on our shores.
    All these people jump the queue over the British people, some of whom have been waiting for 20 years to get a council house. I believe the waiting list in Tower Hamlets is 29 years. So James, when do you say “that’s enough” Do you wait until we are standing on each others toes? I’m dismayed to see what, only two years or so ago, was farmland now covered in houses and thousands more being built everywhere you look. Soon there will be nowhere for crops to grow and we will be refugees ourselves looking for somewhere decent to live. Not a problem for the rich who will have got richer, they will go off to their farms in somewhere like South America and enjoy the space and their money, whilst the rest of us are left wondering what went wrong.

  7. Because like with any uk government, the pecking order is as follows, us first, the British public second, and everyone else can fend for themselves. Thats just human nature and will never change I'm afraid, but James is using this crisis as yet another opportunity to bash the posh ruling elite he hates so dearly.

  8. The same people who say this country will become ‘third world’ because of Brexit are the same people advocating Ukrainian refugees don’t stay in the utopian eu but come to third world Britain. Oh the irony.

  9. British people work for 30+ years cant afford a home. Refugees come in and get one for free. Great that more taxpayer money can be spent on refugees before housing homeless british.

  10. so excuse me if I get this wrong but I heard on R4 that we signed up to the budapest treaty which was a pack between Ruskis UK and USA that if Ukraine gave up its nukes they would protect it no matter what. now is that right or wrong I figure its on R4 so chances are its correct. I bet the Ukrainians are ruining the day they did that in I believe 1994. larger point its our duty to help them we gave our word.

  11. Why? One word: Tories. The only support they have now is the rabid, Murdoch-brainwashed, xenophobic morons. Alienate them and who else have they got to support them?

  12. I understand we need to help the Ukrainians, and I’m happy to help in any way I can. What a lot of you seem to forget is at the moment there are Afghanistan’s people still living in 4* star hotels living on poor food awaiting to be rehoused. Also the immigrants that have come over from other countries from the dinghies in Dover. Most will need to use the NHS services, that make the waiting lists longer, and people complain. We have a very small country compared to Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, etc. I think setting up the place where they set up the Nightingale hospital for Covid would be helpful until everyone is given food, clothing, bedding, counselling, and then hopefully councils may be able to help. Where I live we are still trying to house Afghans, Syrians, and other nationalities, plus British people that are homeless, or had children with no where to live. It’s not as easy as you all think it is.

  13. It's because the UK government doesn't wish to bite the hand that feeds it. They also, collectively, have less spine than a jellyfish, and are busy trying to APPEASE the traitorous fifth-column of far-right whacko's who actually support Putin and his Brexit.


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