Home Resorts Jeffrey Sachs – "Many People Don't Know This Coming Crisis…Prepare Now"

Jeffrey Sachs – "Many People Don't Know This Coming Crisis…Prepare Now"

Jeffrey Sachs – "Many People Don't Know This Coming Crisis…Prepare Now"

Jeffrey Sachs – “Many People Don’t Know This Coming Crisis…Prepare Now”

Jeffrey Sachs American economist, who advised countries throughout the world in economic reform and developed initiatives intended to eradicate poverty on a global scale the World Bank and one of the most influential strategists in modern times, is facing a crisis after resigning from his role as president of Columbia University.

“Many People Don’t Know This Coming Crisis..Prepare Now After Watching This !!! | Jeffrey Sachs 2022



  1. The world will be a better place without the west Jeffrey i notice you are just like the double standard west you are talking about developing countries in debt that is because of the bully

  2. We are in a great moment . Must go back to concept of UTILITY .
    We spend to mutch on etrateiment and useless objects .
    This will make us love tools not stars on the talk shows .
    That's how we will be saved . This is great moment .

  3. Why does we not stop loans and banking all together ?
    Is it not universal that you should not "eat" more than you can produce.
    It does not sound healthy to me having a systen luring me in to spending my future earnings.
    Turns me in to a "modern slave" and exposed to others goodwill. i.e not a real freedom.


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