Sheet music & mp3:
La musica e’ una delle vie per le quali l’anima ritorna al cielo
Music is one of the ways for which the soul returns to heaven
Musik ist eine der Arten, auf die die Seele in den Himmel zurückkehrt
La musique est l’un des moyens par lesquels l’âme retourne au ciel
La música es una de las formas en que el alma regresa al cielo
A música é uma das formas pelas quais a alma retorna ao céu
الموسيقى هي إحدى الطرق التي تعود بها الروح إلى السماء
Музыка – один из способов возвращения души к небу
Playlist LES LAVANDIERES DU PORTUGAL, "The Portuguese Washerwoman" premier succès d’ANDRE POPP, joué,
chanté, célébré en 29 titres éclectiques de 1956 à aujourd’hui.
Fabulous sound, very relaxing.
I grew up playing drums to "The Portuguese Washerwoman" with my Mom, Ruth Hanrahan on piano!!! She brought such Musical and Spiritual Joy to our Home!!! She is Still Swingin' with the angels in Heaven!!!
I first heard "The Portuguese Washerwoman" back in the Summer of 1956 when it was on the Pop Charts. It has been one of my favorite instrumentals from my age 13 to now that I'm 77.