Home Resorts 'Joe Is Just So So Soft': Kit Connor & Joe Locke Answer The Internet | Heartstopper

'Joe Is Just So So Soft': Kit Connor & Joe Locke Answer The Internet | Heartstopper

'Joe Is Just So So Soft': Kit Connor & Joe Locke Answer The Internet | Heartstopper

We sat down with Kit Connor and Joe Locke and got them to answer all your stan tweets.

Find out who gives the best hugs, why they’re so proud to be a part of Heartstopper and who they’d love to see the iconic Jennifer Coolidge play 💘



  1. Hehe, I wish I could come out to my mom and to my dad but I can't. Oh well. I don't really know how they would take it but when my cousin came out as trans they kept telling us he was confused and they kept telling me in particular every time he took another step on his journey and asking me isn't it sad, and for a few years refused to call him by correct pronouns and used his dead name (they still do but they're getting better a little bit) so if I told them I was not only trans but also bisexual it would go one of two ways, either they'd tell me they didn't agree and I was confused but they wouldn't do anything other than maybe try to put me in conversion therapy (like my gap year school program did) or they would kick me out and cut off ties with me and neither of those is so great so I'm just gonna stick with not telling them.

  2. The fact that all of the tweets are about Kit makes me sad, Joe Locke is so perfect! He was literally my favorite character and the way that he's been sidelined makes me really sad 🙁

  3. Me in my class just doing work and watching this.

    Joe and Kit: just stop what your doing and stream Heartstopper
    Me waiting to watch it again till I’m with my significant other
    Also me tempted to watch it again in class

  4. if they end up making the season for book 3,
    im just hoping they skip over the love bite part. Because i watch the show with my mom, so that would be quite akward.

  5. I love the show Heartstopper. At first i didn't know how I'd react to it but as soon as i watched it i couldn't help but watch it again then read the books! I can't wait for season 2 of Heartstopper!! Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring are definitely made for each other.


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