A lot of people have been wondering what life is like in Ukraine now, and if more things are open in Lviv verses Kyiv. Today I take the overnight train from the capital over to the European Western City of Lviv for the answer.
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Do some more walks your breathing will get better. 👍
🤣🤣🤣 reports say, Russia's soldier shortage is so severe that it is recruiting in homeless shelters and considering pardons to criminals to fight in Ukraine
I'd like to visit Kyiv to learn more about the country and support local businesses, as opposed to a holiday elsewhere. Is it safe enough to travel to at the moment? What's the best way to get to Kyiv Where would you fly to? Would travelling there for tourism purposes be frowned upon?
Thats the new Europe – amazing 🌈
If you want to visit from Poland fly into Rzeszow it’s closest to border.
Wow so many Nazi symbols omfg!!! So much propaganda!
Have a great time in Lisbon! There's lot to see here. Let me know when you're here maybe we can meet up… Cheers…
Where is this a Brandon guy from? There’s no way he’s a Canadian. Doesn’t sound right.
Johnny, thanks again!
You are the best 😎
Chicken is running away xD
the fire department is actually The State Emergency Service of Ukraine in L'viv, the building looks Austrian to me, probably from the Hapsburg era
Winter is coming johnny Ukrainian Nazi brigade will freeze with millions of cizlivians
Şu anda hayat normale dönmüş gibi. Ukraynalılar savaşmayı da eğlenmeyi de biliyorlar.
I really enjoy your videos! I am learning about Ukraine today through the Ukrainians I follow and the videos with all the people you share. My prior knowledge came from my great aunt who was from Rivne Oblast and she shared stories about family also from Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts. Thank you for all the variety of Ukraine you cover in the videos! ❤
Good job bro 👍😁well done 👏😁🇺🇦
I have one major issue after watching this video. As Ukraine is fighting for its existence, there is NO reason we should be seeing fighting aged men working or sitting in restaurants or coffee shops when they should be fighting for their country. Every man (unless they have a severe disability) between the ages of 18-35 should be in uniform and fighting for their country! I am sure the people that come over from other countries risking their lives to fight for your county are not happy fighting for you when they came to fight along side you.
Very Interesting!!!
It pisses me off that Johnny laughs when discussing what is at the end of the day people dying. Pissing on Russian war tombs etc. Also that guy wearing his sunglasses on the back of his head is a cunty style. Also something mildly annoying about a man having 2 ear rings. lol
Thanks 4 This Johnny!..How Can They Remain So Calm When That Alarm Goin Off!..I’d Be Runnin 4 Cover!
Johnny, don’t go to russia or they will arrest you and interrogate you. It’s bullshit that they are doing this to youtubers and journalists
Lol, more whitewashing of Azov Nazis
I am American and my wife is Ukrainian and we live near Lisbon. Let’s meet up!
Slava Ukraini!
Is the airfield in Liviv still working. As far as I know Russia tried to destroy all airfields
Thanks again Johnny! I’m so glad you highlighted the Crimean Tartar Restaurant! That was my favourite! I’ve been to the other one you recommended as well! I’ve spent two weeks in Lviv total, but I’ve never seen it like you showed. Thanks!
Knights Hospitallers, Crusades FTW
Lviv is a fantastic place to visit and been there many times as it is 3 hr drive from my home.
Bravo, good work! Rudi.
Johnny a great video of a wonderful city and so full of life. Have a safe journey. SLAVA UKRAINA.👍🙂💙💛🌻🇺🇦🇪🇺💯
Brandon is an inspiration for all volunteers assisting the defence of Ukrainian motherland. He also looks more at peace with life. Glory to all Ukrainians.
Glory to all volunteers.
SLAVA UKRAINA.👍🙂💙💛🌻🇺🇦🇪🇺💯
Why are all these people walking around and discussing and laughing and saying how "Russia is militarily incompetent" but refusing to fight?
What a great people, what a great country!!
Is this video recently recorded in Ukraine? I don't think it is
..too much casual civilian activity, no sense of danger of random missile attacks no damage to infrastructure…????
Great video. Good topics, beautiful city.
Girl who sold you the cheese is gorgeous…piercing eyes!