Home Immigration Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country | Lexie Alford | TEDxKlagenfurt

Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country | Lexie Alford | TEDxKlagenfurt

Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country | Lexie Alford | TEDxKlagenfurt

Do you know how many countries there are in the world? 21-year-old Lexie does because she took on the adventure to visit them all. She broke the Guinness World Record for the youngest person to travel to every country in the world. To give this achievement some context, more people have been to space than have traveled to all 196 sovereign nations and approximately less than 20 of those people are women. In this TEDx talk, Lexie shares her stories from around the world to inspire others, especially young women, to follow their dreams, to get out of their comfort zone and to stimulate personal growth. Lexie Alford was born in a small town called Nevada City, California. She has been traveling for as long as she can remember with her family who started a travel agency. She traveled to all 196 countries by 21 years old, breaking the Guinness World Record for the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country by over 3 years. To find out more about Lexie, follow @lexielimitless on Instagram or visit her website This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at



  1. This woman is amazing to share her experience. Something similar, and so it doesn't count as spam because it is not, I won't provide the URL but please do check out the My Life As A Woman Project which are stories obtained from at least one woman from nearly every country in the world and is now a book on Amazon and available on Kindle as well.

  2. I have been traveling around the world my whole life and learned more about myself by staying at home meditating and going to therapy. I am not traveling anymore but looking for the simple life, enjoying what I have, where I am and I am 100 times more happy for it. I never learned anything from travel but stress and that I am terrible about languages, I felt as a tourist in a fake reality only seeing sides of cities that are created just for tourists and not really how people live in that country in real life.

  3. OK, so I have lived abroad in a country where I didn’t speak the language or know anyone, and stepped out of my comfort zone and also traveled to several countries alone many times. Don’t get me wrong, I think she did a great job on her talk, and good for her for being able to have these experiences. But, many people can come to the same conclusions by living every day life. People can come to the message of breaking out of their comfort zone simply by running in the middle of winter at 5 am (for example). I guess what I’m trying to say is that the message isn’t overly inspired, but if her talk has helped others, then great.

  4. I am from Yemen. It is traditional to gunshots in the wedding couse it allow to have gun .However, I know that is a bad happened because may be we'll injure the people when the gunshots back or return to the earth … so I apology to you about what happened with you in my country 🤝🤝🤝

  5. Hi Lexie, your video was inspired me to take this opportunity to do what I love. Now I am 29. I am from Cambodia. I have some questions to ask you. How much budget for traveling around the world? For example: at least 1,000$ for 1 country so 195 countries= 195,000$ right? How can we prepare or book cheap flight tickets, accommodation etc? I am waiting to hear from you soon


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