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This is part 2. Part 1 is here:
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Rikki Neave and his siblings were failed by everyone but mostly by their mother Ruth Neave. And even though she was tried for Rikki’s murder, she was found not guilty. But she did end up inside for 7 years for hurting her children.
What really happened to Rikki Neave on his way to school that morning in 1994? Ruth Neave harmed her children for sure but how far would she actually go? This is one of Peterborough England’s darkest days. One the Neave sisters are still trying to make complete sense of. Failed by everyone around them, this is their brother’s story. The little boy who walked with monsters was Rikki Neave.
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One sign or more for becoming a serial murderer James shows!👀
Great narration!
I think James was in it on his own. The mother was just high on drugs all the time, i dont think she was doing anything except being neglectful
Right. She was so upset that she failed to show up to James Watson’s sentencing. Only releasing a statement afterwards condemning Watson’s actions. “The monster James Watson not only murdered my precious son Rikki but set in motion a chain of events that has ruined my life and those of my children,” she said. “Like stones dropping in a pond, it has rippled out far and wide.”
When will the interview of sister be out?
Love your work you do a fantastic
How deep and horrific this story is.. Mr.Black u said it all so beautifully.. R. I. P. Jingles Hero.. Blessed Be..
i had All the same questions you questioned in the end as well, and my thought was also the same. He wouldn’t drag the B!TCH into the murder because then he’d have to admit killing that poor baby boy and the that’s Never going to happen. RIP RIKKI NEAVE 🤍
Have you heard the story of Takoda Collins? It’s the most horrific story I’ve heard. And I’ve heard a lot of them!!! It belongs in this series.
If it had been anyone else on trial for the murder of their child they would have been wrongly convicted besides the one pos who actually deserved it.
You know your a POS when you gotta try to convince people that you didn't burn your own children!
It’s sad Rikki’s life was terrible and it ended in a terrible matter. Rikki deserved better than this.
WOW! you are amazing storyteller..love ur style..what a production….
You know what? She probably was sleeping with him, because in part 1 you mentioned something about her husband thinking she was sleeping around, well, James was probably that person. Maybe. Also, you're right, she knew already that Rikki wasn't alive when they went to look for him. She simply, didn't care.
Rikki was such a beautiful young boy. He didn’t deserve this. Neither did his sisters. My god when “she” said she would kill him if they didn’t help why wouldn’t they remove him sooner?!! Too many kids are failed by the system! They take the ones that don’t need to be and leave the ones that do.
Let’s look at the kids from the house of horrors. The sister escapes. Tells cops. Gets her siblings saved.
THE SYSTEM put them in foster homes that were worse than the house of horrors!!!! How the eff does that happen?!!!!!!!
I tried to thumbs up the video but it keeps giving you a thumbs down. I'm sorry I really appreciate your covering stories like this!
I know a James Watson 😳 not the same one, but still. Eerie 😳
So Ruth is a horrible person. That is for certain. But I think any parent is entitled to justice for the murder of their child-PERIOD! I’m not her fan and am appalled by the abuses that she plead guilty to. She obviously has a personality disorder, along with her drug abuse makes for an unfit mother. The system failed by not making requirements of observed change in her skills as a mother before returning children into her care.
Everyone was so fixated on her wrong doings as a mother, that they’ve forgotten that she too was a victim. She deserved to have lost the custody of her children-NO ONE deserves to have their child’s life taken.
I get having hatred for the woman that made that little boys life a living hell, but I think that she had every right to be outraged that everyone just wrote off the fact that your child’s killer is walking free because everyone thinks you did it and got away with murder. I think anyone would be jaded by this. Saying that she was “playing“ the grieving mother as soon as she was out of jail isn’t totally fair. Maybe she was trying to be a better mother than she had been. Most people would hide In shame but she made it known that justice was not served and she would fight to see someone be held accountable for his murder.
We are all human- but we are all capable of changing and I think that instead of putting her down for efforts (however in vein they may be) to find the one responsible-she might have been the only reason they discovered all that they did. She’s a victim too is all I’m saying.
What beautiful children this Monster should have felt sooo privileged to be a Mother of! Only evil can hurt a child! She is pure evil! How does she live with herself for the torture of all her children! Disgusting POS!
It’s July 14 where’s the interview with his sister ?
A excuse for a mother
May there be a special place in hell for her..
It just makes me wonder how many other victims this monster touched or possibly murdered in between the time of Ricky and his getting caught cuz you know they don't ever stop they get sicker and sicker that's why I say we should lobotomize them and use them as the lab rats and save the animals that only want to give and receive love and take these monsters and use them as the Lab Rats instead of torturing animals I mean after all it is as close to a human as you're going to get a dog is nothing like a human thank God and Mr Black you're awesome I love your outlook keep it up more people need to think like we do instead of being a bunch of bleeding hearts but we can save them why bother there is no saving a child predator there's no way of curing it except a lobotomy or a bullet
I think the "mum" was haveing some sort of postpartum depression, coz its not normal to act that way and be a monster to you ownd. Just my opinion. And telling you gonna kill her son and still no help :O so sad a storie. RIP Rikki <3 Thx for telling this XX from DK
Not sure if you’ve covered it yet but I’d love to hear abut Damien Echols. The 3 teens accused in Mississippi.
So sad 😞.
R.I.P Ricky.
No more neglect,pain or suffering .
Makes my BLOOD BOIL.
I enjoy the way you tell facts. I don't like SUGAR COATING ANYTHING.
Hey, DT, what are you doing in Latvia??🥰
Everyone failed the poor baby and the justice system is just as broke as the child protection. Rikki lived 6yrs, losing the rest of his life. His killers (yes plural) one only served 7 and the other will serve the same. They get to live their lives. Ruth should be still in jail, Watson should be doing life and ALL the others should be punished some way, but it will never happen. RIP Rikki ☹️😞☹️😞
She murdered that little boy as much as Watson, and in my opinion literally did, I'm certain she seduced him with her bulshit of the occult to murder that baby and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. I remember her face her expression, her dead eyes like a shark, it's something that has stayed with me for decades and I dont think I'll ever forget
Quick question it’s Thursday where I’m at and I still don’t see her interview is it on YouTube on your channel
The utter denial. She's brainwashed herself.
The title of this is so exact!
What is the worse part of this case is, it WAS like poor James Bulger- random liitle shit!! The difference was the mother of James loved and cared for him. Rikki did not know real love in his life…
When will you be uploading the next episode the interview with Rochelle?
Some of these stories seem so fake
She is a victim in a way her son was killed,her child that she created and technically that does make her a victim to considering it wasn’t her that done it
Yes, I've so been waiting for part 2. I was a bit pissed at the end of one; like really you're gonna leave us hanging. I called myself. 2 better hurry though 😆.