Home Real Estate Live Better HERE than In the USA (Cost of Living & Quality of Life)

Live Better HERE than In the USA (Cost of Living & Quality of Life)

Live Better HERE than In the USA (Cost of Living & Quality of Life)

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If you’re living in the western world and you’re tired of high taxes, high cost of living, and many restrictions, you may wonder where you can move to achieve more freedom.

In this video, Andrew compares the cost of living in different countries and shares share you can move.

00:00 Start
0:19 Cost Of Living in The World
2:18 Cost of Living in Mexico
2:40 Cost of Living in Ireland
4:00 Cost of Living in Georgia
8:00 Cost of Living in Kuala Lumpur
9:00 Cost of Living in Switzerland

Andrew is reading this article:

The Nomad Capitalist is the world’s most sought-after expert on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best.”

Nomad Capitalist has created and implemented plans for 1000+ clients and helped them to go offshore, keep more of their wealth, and enjoy an unprecedented level of global freedom. Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. We’ve built our team around our holistic approach to serving the needs of globally-minded entrepreneurs and investors.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.



  1. Everyone needs more than their salary to be financial stable. The best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly, because money left for saving always end up used with no returns.

  2. @Nomad Capitalist I'm from Malaysia. The government here follows Islamic rules & against LGBT community. People are abused & harassed here by the Islam dominated politicians , Im planning to out to an economically stable country that is fastest to get citizenship & is a LGBT friendly country. Any suggestions?

  3. Being treating best is not only about taxes. For me it's about living around people who accept others and are basically friendly. The US is no longer that place. Any suggestion? Also, I do not want to be around neo Nazis?

  4. Very informative video.

    However, the continual misuse of the word "arbitrage" was jarring.

    The word arbitrage means an investment strategy in which an investor simultaneously buys and sells an asset in different markets to take advantage of a price difference and generate a profit.

    It does not mean working or conducting business in one location and living in another location.

    For example arbitrage is not working in the CBD (where food, clothing, rent etc is expensive) and commuting to the suburbs (where food, clothing, rent etc is cheaper).

    Nor is it arbitrage to live in a third world country (where rent, food, clothing is cheap) and sell one's labour in a first world country via the magic of the internet.

  5. Since USA and CANADA are citizenship taxes (you're still USA/CAN taxes no matter where you live) how is living elsewhere better? Your still paying at least 30% tax back to the west and then the tax of where you actually live. So, how does this move to any of your places mentioned?

    Can you do a YT on taxes and living away?

  6. Okay, you talk like a homosexual. You have a click-bait headline. Several minutes in, you have not answered the question of where to live in expensively. As a spoiled rotten brat, you say your clients should have $10-100 million dollars. If a person had that kind of money, they would not be listening to you. They would be hiring a professional. You have no professional qualifications. No degree listed. No professional license. So, you are a bullshitter. In the past, you recommended Barbados. Who wants to live around a bunch of Blacks? Not even the Blacks! Some people recommended Goa, India. Yes, it is less expensive to live there, if you are a dark skinned India. If you are a white man, the Indians will rip you off at every corner. You have to identify if the Jews live in a place you recommend. Israel is a very expensive place to live. The Jews do not want to live in Israel, because they want to live around the Gentiles, so they can rip them off and steal their money. Look at the Celsius executives! Lying, stealing Jews!

  7. It seems good and sounds great especially with the problems in the west currently. But there are so many people who have done this only to end up homeless in a poor country through making mistakes and trusting the wrong people.
    Or just bad planning an example of how it can catch you out is cheaper areas to live in are generally rural. All the locals lick their lips because they think you a foreigner have a lot of money.
    So you get robbed and there really are no alternatives it is not like a western country where you look online and just ring someone else.
    Options are limited in country areas.
    And if you live in a city prices are quickly becoming similar to where you live now.
    Even country areas are facing massive increases in energy prices, land etc.
    Basically do your homework and do not presume it will be so much cheaper.

  8. Why is Dublin on the list? The quality of life here is terrible. Transport infrastructure is horrible, healthcare is in bits, the choice of restaurants and food is horrific and the weather will cause a depression on it's own. Everything is overcharged and overpriced beyond reasonable. Yes, if you are a business you might use the low corporate tax, but the quality of life is horrible.


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