Home Real Estate Live with HomeKeyPortugal


  1. Prices are over inflated now. This is going on anywhere more rural and now popular. As inflation increases, taxes rise and interest on loans go up, prices will drop again. ps. greetings to Melanie and the Ghost Town gang.

  2. Does anyone know how to tell what percentages Portuguese real estate agencies generally take during a sale, I imagine that they are different depending on the importance of the cost of the sale?

  3. Tried to watch the video last night but it was very but windy and couldn’t hear sometimes it was great to see Melanie we have been emailing but not getting any response anyway have a great day and look forward to seeing some land when we get over there

  4. The audio makes it very hard to hear the conversation. It’s a combination of wind distortion, and low volume. Could the microphone not be placed closer on the table by the laptop?


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