We get a lot of great questions about our life in Mexico. We’re finally getting around to answering a lot of them in a video.
A lot of this video covers practical, everyday topics that will apply to both those planning to live in Mexico and those just visiting. Often times those visiting end up living in Mexico anyway. 😉
We’re not diving too deeply into each question/subject, but trying to give them an answer to the best of our ability. Hopefully these will be useful to you if you’re planning a trip to Mexico, already in Mexico, or planning to move! This is an FAQ video, and it’s also a bit of a guide.
Some of the most common questions we get are:
What do you do to make money in Mexico or while living abroad?
Isn’t it too dangerous?
Can you drink the water?
Can you flush the toilet paper?
What are the restrictions like?
How’s the wifi?
How do you book places to stay?
What do you recommend for accommodation: Airbnb, Apartments, Hotels, etc?
More recently: Have you noticed the differences from the perpetual tourist crackdown? Or: What about the visa changes? Did you get six months on your FMM when you entered into Mexico most recently?
We’ve touched on all of those questions and more. Some of these topics are really hard to cover in a video like this, and really need their own video. So we’ve touched on them here, and plan to upload more in-depth videos on those later.
Some questions we get we really aren’t the most qualified to answer, so we’ve included some resources to get those answers that we don’t have.
This video is also a bit more personal than usual. Because our lives and the channel have some big changes coming up and already happening, and understandably we get some questions about that.
*Timestamps have been added in so you can skip to a scene. This video is a lot longer and a different style than most of our videos. It’s kind of like live Q&A videos, just not live. 🙂 No need to watch this video all the way through if you only need a specific answer. Simply hover your mouse at the bottom of the screen and it’ll show you all of the chapters. You can also find them below.
We add these in so you don’t have to watch the whole thing if you’re looking for a specific answer, and also so you can reference specific spots in our videos later.
If you’re new here: Check out our dozens of videos on our life in Mexico. When it comes to Mexico, we mainly make travel vlogs, comparison and city/area breakdown videos, and what we call ‘topic’ videos, where we just sit down and have a ‘face to face’ on a specific topic. Kind of like this video here. We’ve got several more of those coming as well. That format is simply the best way to just give you guys the realest info we can.
We’d appreciate your thoughts! As well as liking the video and subscribing to the channel. It’s free and easy and it really helps us out. 🙂
For our fellow explorers who have been traveling with us for awhile: Thank you for your continued support. It means the world to us! Happy trails, amigos!
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—— Apps / Websites that we use to learn Spanish ——
Duolingo [Free]
Skillshare [Subscription based](We really like the Spanish class called ‘El Método’)
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uTalk [Subscription based]
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—— Websites to check out for working online ——
English teaching jobs:
with a degree
Without a degree
Open English
Teaching online (other than English):
Create & Learn
Ways to find online jobs:
Freelance websites:
00:00 Intro
00:47 Can you drink the water?
02:01 Will the street food make you sick?
03:00 Can you flush the toilet paper?
05:42 How does the tourist permit (FMM) work?
07:25 Visa changes / crackdown: what have we noticed?
13:40 Is it safe to take taxis?
16:04 Is it safe to take overnight buses?
17:27 Is it safe to drive at night?
18:20 Which U.S. / Mexico land borders are best for crossing?
19:12 “It’s not safe to leave the resort” [debunked]
21:37 Is it safe to use ATM’s? +TIPS
23:31 Can you use debit/credit for everyday purchases?
25:28 Do I have to be fluent in Spanish to live/travel in MX?
27:04 What are the travel restrictions like?
28:16 How do we find long-term accommodation?
30:22 How is the WiFi?
31:35 What healthcare provider do we use?
32:11 Everyday life questions (haircuts, laundry, markets)
33:42 How do we make money online?
40:29 Questions we can’t answer
41:34 Visa changes: What’s Next?
42:43 Videos Next Up!
Looks like you guys bailed on El Salvador. Shit got real there. State of emergency
How much time do you are in Mexico City? I would like to invite you in a mexican Switzerland weddings will be very fun
❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor
1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos
desde pantalla,, se que estuvo
Sorprendente .
I'm sort of glad Mexico is cracking down on all these "ex pats" and now that they've been treated like common immigrants, which they are! It is suddenly not very fun and convenient for them to come and live in Mexico. They took advantage of the country for many years without contributing to the economy, it was about time Mexico did something about it.
Thank's a lot for let us know that is Safe to travel around of Mexico!!!.
check out the Mexican Regularization Plan. you don't need the financial requirements. you just need to be in Mexico at a certain time.
Am En EXPERT toilet paper it’s designed to dissolve with water and be biodegradable, you can flush it, the confusion comes when people wanna flush everything paper towels. Not designed to dissolve, paper hand towels, rags etc, your #2 will take a lot longer to dissolve compared to Toilet paper,IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE, you’ll have a lot easier time
I found the whole 43 minutes very informative. I was especially interested in the last parts wherein both of you talked about the challenges of working and changing careers to be able to travel like you do. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Looking forward to your next videos.
Greetings amigos from Vietnam, the toilet situation in Mexico us same is Greece and why I won't go there anymore, I did love México though but couldn't live there due to the constant threat of violent crime, wonderful country and best people ever, great winter trip and amazing experience
Thanks for Great Video! My wife and I enjoyed all of the video, but especially the information on working online. We are a bit older than you and want to travel. We can't wait to see the video that goes more indepth on this topic. Do you have a website or consult in this area?
Great guys take care
Cheers J&D
2 Canadians living in Mexico, Merida sending support. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽🇲🇽🇨🇦🇨🇦
Helllllll I wouldn't drink the water in the states .. also ppl get sick eating food because its way different than food in the states. Body just takes it differently
As a Mexican, I appreciate the fact that you are enjoying your stay, and it shows.
Thanks for all the helpful advice. I might be in Mexico in a few months. When they request a vaccine card, how many doses do you need? Here in Peru it just got bumped to 3.
Great advice y’all! I think you do a great job and I appreciate your honesty. I’m touring Mexico now solo with only my social security income. I’m trying to be very careful but so far my expenses have been much less than in Lexington Ky where I’m from. Was paying $1000 a month just for rent not including utilities and much less here. Agree Airbnb has gotten to be too expensive. I now don’t qualify for residency here so will be moving on at the end of august. I’m looking for other countries I can visit where my money will go far. I’ve got friends in Turkey so I might be going there next. Depends on how putins war plays out I guess. Y’all just do what’s best for y’all and everything will work out fine. I think you’re great people and looking forward always to your content.
Love the shirt Seth!
We used DiDi or Uber over taxis and was happy with the service.
SE ASIA is be starting to open back up. I recommend you check out Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
We just returned from 3months traveling in Mexico. We had 4-5 bouts with tourista. Sometimes from a place we had eaten at before and had no problems.
I once read a quote, "if you are in Mexico for any length of time odds are you will crap your pants more than once".
I am halfway through the video and enjoying it. Good, objective answers, without generalizing. My experience with Mexico is too old to be able to form any opinion today. The segment about safety was spot on. I've lived in Brazil, which I would call a very unsafe country, where you can be robbed on buses at gunpoint, and even robbed at traffic lights at gunpoint. You mentioned Portugal. There is definitely crime, but it is usually of a small nature, like pickpockets or the car window being broken to get at a jacket. Twice in Porto, which is considered a very safe city, we had our car broken into, the first time to take all of our tennis equipment, and the second to take my jacket, which I had left on the seat. I must say though that living in a small town serious crime is almost non-existent. Murder is unheard of. I think that when most of the population of a country is middle class you are not going to get a lot of crime. Also, as is the case of Portugal, a large portion of the population is over 65 and these people don't usually commit car jackings or carry out hold ups at ATMs. Another factor, in the case of Portugal, is that a lot of the crime used to be carried out by hard drug users (we are talking heroin) who needed to rob people to sustain their habit. With the decrimminalization of drugs here and treatment centers where addicts can get methadone, most of that kind of crime has disappeared.
Greetings friends
Even though the tap water where I live is safe to drink, I use a water filter that removes contaminants before drinking it, as far as the toilet paper goes, I grew up in the country before there was septic safe paper, so we couldn't flush it, it was taken out twice a day, we used to be allowed to burn paper trash back in the day also but now with the the septic safe paper it can be flushed. I hope I can make the move to Mexico in a few years before it's no longer possible.
Hermosa eleccion 8😍 X18TINDER.Uno de mejor siempre en mi corazónr mañas no se la.🌹🤩💜 Son unos de los mejores conciertos.
Hello I live in Peru and we boil water all the time for drinking, we put some in the fridge for chilled water too for hot days.
hey guys just saw one of your videos, gotta say I would subscribe but you do not put Canadian currency equivalents when posting costs of things. The north American English speaking audience is not only the USA
Here first guys!! Most of our family lives in Mexico. Really thought about going over there and just forget everything here! The only thing is work over there pays wayy less. So not sure on what we would be able to find. But atleast we won’t be by ourselves since we have family. And eveytime we eat in Mexico it’s the out food. Nothing better then that 😋