Home Immigration Living Off-grid in Central Portugal / Time management

Living Off-grid in Central Portugal / Time management

Living Off-grid in Central Portugal / Time management

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When you have so many tasks to do, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Luckily I had the opportunity to do one of the many Skillshare courses on Time Management.

If you haven’t subscribed yet, then please subscribe to continue following my journey to restore an 120 year old stone cottage and ruins, and revive an abandoned farm into a functioning off-grid sustainable homestead.
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  1. Shame, don’t listen to online armchair critics! They obviously don’t have any idea of your workload, nor have they ever attempted what you’re undertaking.
    You’ve managed to do so much. Overcome obstacles like getting to Portugal, twice. Still working a job. Then never mind making videos and editing them (most people have absolutely no clue how time consuming that is)

    No one cannot accomplish everything in one day. Also, one can’t push so hard – it’s overwhelming and will end in burnout. That’s far from a healthy route to take.

    So, ignore the negativity and continue take it step by step like you’ve been doing…or, my favourite saying “How do you eat a whole elephant?” “Easy, one bite at a time!”

    I agree, writing it all done and prioritising tasks. It releases some of the overwhelming pressure of all one has to do and helps. I find that having a daily list that’s separated from the master list helps too. I try to keep my daily to-do realistic and manageable. Then cross off tasks once done, anything left over from today’s list gets pushed to the next day. Which with renovations or building, always seems to happen as most tasks take much longer than expected. That’s okay too, I think often expectations and reality need realignment. Don’t sweat it if you can’t get it, just make the leftovers first tasks. As an educator, I’m sure you’re well aware of your style 😂 and being open to learning new tricks will an advantage.

    PS: debarking logs isn’t easy. After watching my partner easily do it and attempt it, I can confirm it’s a skill to be mastered 😅

  2. Is that tool you using a peeling spud? App you need that for debarking, maybe that tool can be bought from a hardware? THAT instrument you using now looks cumbersome and dangerous🙈😬 I thought a large potatoe peeler would do the job better I am thinking a electrical tool for stripping or battery operated sander 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Sadly always a thief of joy lurking, whether you live in house or farm maintenance is 24/7, I do all my own house work 4 dogs live in, 🙄😚 and even tho, I have a garden service a luxury, twice a month, we have 2000 sqm so cutting it by myself is a pipe dream, I know about cleaning up, I often joke and say I die with a broom in my hand😁, keep positive forget the nay sayers and negative Nellies, keep going at your own pace 💜

  4. glad to hear you got a sponsor for this video. I must say YOUR ad (for skill share) was the best I've heard so far… Everyone is sort of just saying the same phrases the same way. I usually skip right over that part. YOU, however, reminded me of why life-long learning is so important. I am a self-employed teacher myself so I should already know, but you really said it well.

  5. Hello Cindy. Along with yourself I have been researching the easiest way to debark logs. It pains me to see you struggle and I wish I could help. I think the biggest thing is that they have dried. Several showed videos striking the log with the back of a axe. This separated the bark where they peeled it by hand. Their logs were freshly cut and the bark was much thicker. Could you use your chainsaw like an electric knife maybe?

  6. Well done, Cindy! Please don’t listen to people who criticize. We can’t please everyone so we might as well please ourselves! I always worried about a spider under the seat, but a wasp nest is so much worse. I’d have to check each time, for sure. I love making lists, then I can prioritize.

  7. Hi Cindy who ever get involved with the farming business knows fully that being a farmer is an ongoing work if it is not the hands that are doing things is the mind and vice versa ,there will be always something to do even in a quiet day,thanks for sharing your journey.

  8. Cindy! I (we) have been watching your progress for well over a year and somehow I was never a subscriber. Well, I have fixed that now! You amaze me, doing all you do on your own. I also love how Nick and Andrea, Frankie on the Road and others come together and support one another. My husband is in Portugal ( up in the Sao Pedro do Sul region) for a few weeks, exploring our options for making the move from the US to Portugal. I want to send him your way to help with your cord wood walls… we took workshops on them years ago! Keep doing what you are doing… you INSPIRE me!!!

  9. Good on you for incorporating time management into your routine. We were encouraged to block our first waking hour the quietest) to organizing tasks on our daily planner. All tasks in mind on a given day were prioritized to group A, B, or C. A was most urgent/MUST be done today, B was less urgent, C even less urgent. Within the groupings, task were assigned numerical rank according to further priority. So a typical day might have A1 thru A7, B1 thru B3, C1 to whereever.

    Rankings could very well change within a given day, certainly each day. But it helped focus on priorities and felt satisfying to see tasks getting checked off or moved to other days. With continued practice, we'd fall into habit of arranging/rearranging tasks, meetings, etc It helped greatly with competing items screaming for attention.

    When needed, project management pages would be deployed to help organize work thru given weeks, months, seasons and even a year to be able to glance at to gauge where we were finishing jobs. It was the Franklin planner system. I wonder how it's updated to use electronically.

    Loved watching your zoomie good girls. 🤗

  10. I used to watch a Canadian off grid program, they used 2 methods to strip bark, one was a high pressure water hose, the other was a scraper similar to what u have, but it had 2 handles and u pulled it towards u with the log in a cradle, ide call that a spoke shave, that probably will not translate

  11. Hi Cindy 👋 you are such a hard worker, I've also got lots to do and sometimes get overwhelmed and come to a stop. I did fine it helpful to set a timer for just 15 minutes to do a task then got to next job for 15 minutes and so on. Oh dear Cindy I too have lymphoma caused by breast cancer so I understand what that's like. Don't take any notice of those negative nonsense they should walk a mile in your shoes before they comment, rant over🤪 I think that white board is a good idea, I too will give it a go , take care lovely lady and look after yourself. ❤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  12. Hi Cindy, I bought an old school blackboard to keep my to do list . I found the best place was to leave it next to the fridge as its the place most visited indoors other than the loo.

  13. I must say Cindy, you are a good person. It amazes me how people can make comments on how others live. You said it well you are a class act my friend. Take care enjoy your videos.

  14. On average farmers work a 65-hour week – far exceeding the UK national average of 37 hours. Some growers and livestock producers work in excess of 100 hours, according to the study – with many rarely taking a day off, let alone an annual holiday.

  15. Don't listen to people who don't know what they talking about. I know what it entails, farming is the hardest job ever!!! At least your pups can make you laugh doing zoomies with each other. So funny.

  16. This comment is to Cindy with love, nothing else.
    I sub pretty much from day one. Through my observations, Cindy, farm life is for you. You look happy, firmer muscular physique, slimmer with vibrancy and looking very good. I don't know how true but from the vid, that's how you appear. I hope these are not offensive but a true compliment to you. Keep up the good work 💪. Oh…looking younger too!❤❤😘

  17. who would say anything about work being done.
    since following Cindy, you have done a tremendous amount on the farm. especially with the set back with the visa/passport issues! this is for those negative Nelly's " put ur self in Cindy's shoes, Share Kindness & support!

  18. I would take no notice of critical people. Half the time they have never cleaned a stove etc. They have a cleaner/gardener come in. Some of us don’t have that choice. Just do what you can and work at a pace you can manage. You don’t want to burn yourself out. The farm is to enjoy not turned into a nightmare.

  19. Thanks for the great video again. In 6 weeks I will be on my way with my family to the Fundao area to look for my own farm for me, my partner and my daughters. It's been great to see what daily life will look like for us.

  20. Great idea ,organizing the chaos ,you're doing great . Certain people don't have any idea what is living in a farm or piece of land , theres dozens of tasks to be done everyday that is time consuming and you dont even realise it . Take care


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