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Theo and Bee gave up their busy city lifestyles in 2014 to explore alternative living, and have lived in vans and boats since then without looking back! Along with their cat Ginjey Bear they have been driving around the world in their self converted Sprinter van. However, when the global pandemic hit they began converting their abandoned stone barn in Central Portugal to turn into a wonderful tiny stone cottage. Along the way, they have rescued a playful cat called Furrnando and have a wonderful flock of Chickens!
#offgrid #tinyhouse #homestead
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Oh wow, I feel so sorry for you Theo. I had lots of problems with my wisdom teeth and ended up having them all pulled out. I've given birth three times and yet I still have awful memories of that wisdom tooth pain! You put a very brave face on.
Garden is coming along nicely and I did not know you could eat the leaves on the pea plants. Learn something new every day!
Can you remove those tags from the goats, if so, please do.
Lasso Margo from the tractor! 😂
I hope you're feeling better by now with your teeth Theo. Bee I'm excited for you and your garden and animals. You two have really come a long way and your homestead is coming together so beautifully. I do want to give you one bit of gardening advice on your corn. You know corn is wind pollinated and that is why several rows about 30" apart are usually best for good pollination. If you only plant a one row you will probably have to hand pollinate to be sure you get full corn ears. You know the tassels are the male and silks are female. Each strand of silk is connected to a kernel so it's important to have the tassel pollen make contact with all the silks on each ear of corn. What variety of corn did you plant?
I was glad to hear you say you guys were gonna have the tag removed from the goats ears. It seems an ear tattoo would be more humane and serve same purpose.
Thank you for showing your garden. So wonderful. Send some love over to another Portigal homestead called "the Newbys" Like you both they traveled extensively and now are putting together a homestead too. Check em out…
Your modifications are well planned. I too hooked up a smaller TV screen to my youtube and a blue ray player for the rainy cold winter months that it is miserable outdoors. I do not want mainstream media tv stations, since all propaganda. I live on the west coast of Canada on a island.
I just had an idea to fight the infection on your goat's ear. How about giving her pieces of oranges as a treat? Vitamin C helps combat infection.
Theo and Bea, a few questions, first, what happened to the dirt bike, I haven’t seen Theo ride it for a very long time? Second, do you know those centipedes can give a very painful bite and need to be kept well away from the house, they are quite dangerous. Thirdly, Theo may we please have an update on the success, or otherwise of Goathenge! Love the channel and enjoy following your adventures and always looking forward to the next exciting episode. By the way, the pointing is truly beautiful and a testament to your patience and sense of presence. The vegetable garden is living therapy and a great place to be or Bea. You are a very special couple and an inspiration to so many, thank you.
Great video…. So nice seeing you growing your own fruit and veg.. I don’t know about you but we get so much satisfaction out of food we have grown ourselves on our ground…. Anyway, great video as always, stay safe and enjoy…
The garden is lovely sunflowers are easy get the large versions . You and the chickens will love them💕💕💕💕🙏🙏
I don't know if it's the same with spaghetti squash but my first year gardening I planted summer squash and cucumbers in the same garden bed and they cross pollinated, resulting in some yellow cucumbers. I love your videos that include your animals, flowers and daily chores. Good luck to Theo on his wisdom tooth removal.
remember to plant your corn in a square so they cross pollinate themselves….they blow in the wind and caress each other that way…in a row it might be hit and miss
Jessie at plot 37 is a great gardening you tube channel to watch
oooh, centipedes…i love nature, I enjoy all living things… but centipedes and other critters with multiples of moving legs just creep me out, more than eight I should clarify, cuz I'm friends to spiders!
Always enjoy your videos! God bless y’all abundantly!
I love your attention to the animals and the environment
Theo I hope your teeth are sorted and your out of pain soon ,how's ginjey ?
On another homesteading family they feed the goats salt minerals and it helps with the flies.