Making friends after work has finished can be difficult people are more insular than ever. It is possible in retirement to make new and lasting friendships and they are not difficult to do.
Friendships can be found from sports, church, hobbies and exercise or just being open for a quick chat maybe when walking your dog or grocery shopping. Volunteering is a wonderful way to find friends along with serving your community, there are great opportunities for both men and women, married or single.
Let us explore together how to find friends in retirement and we will show you 5 easy tips to get you started to making lasting friendships late in life. Remember most people want friends and with people moving often during a lifetime they do not have those childhood friends.
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We are planning a winter in the Algarve. Do you know of the Luna Hotel da Oura? Is it a decent type of place?
Haha! Euchre! Must be people from Ontario. I miss my work peeps but keep in touch with some and socialize more in the summer. Covid has impeded social stuff but I am more in touch with my away family. FaceTime and Messenger video conferencing. I volunteer and go to church and play Pickleball. As a former healthcare provider, I can be inundated with requests for information and advice so I have to pick my activities. Pickleball has been fun! It is a fast growing sport and physically easier than tennis. We have nice new outdoor courts for summer play. I miss choir and singing but that is still on the back burner because of Covid. It is what you make it. If you are social, you can find a way.
Hey guys, love your channel! Guess what? I just retired as of yesterday! Took early retirement and your videos really resonate with me & my wife. Part of our plan, like you did, is to sell our house in Ontario next spring and move to Nova Scotia to pursue a quieter life and travel a lot more. Keep up the great work
Greetings Friend,I hope everything will be alright 🤗the upload is outstanding and stunning useful upload,I really enjoyed it,I hope you'll upload such like content in future too.stay blessed and healthy 🥰
Don't forget about service organizations with local clubs like Kiwanis International.
Great video – as always! 👍🏻🇨🇦❤️
OMG! You guys are made for each other!! I love the chemistry between you guys. Great recommendations. I am planning to retire soon luckily the majority of my friends are already retired so I am the one missing out!. We play tennis, go to concerts together and have game nights in our homes. We have to build that friendships before we retire.
Hi Norm & Tina, sorry to hijack this video but it was your latest and I thought it would be the most likely that you would reply to a question. My wife and I are heading to Albufeira this winter and you mention in your Algarve videos having chosen a local car rental outfit that was less expensive than the big chains. Would you mind sharing the name of this agency?
You guys are so sweet together. I look forward to more volunteer opportunities when we are retired. That should connect us to lots of different kinds of people.
Thank you — great ideas
Can totally relate to this having retired recently and feeling the isolation of being away from my old job and the people there….the past few months have been tough along with COVID restrictions, social distancimg etc… thanks for talking about this and the suggestions.
You guys just like us . We moved here only people we knew is our daughter and her husband. We have to find new friends. It is funny that you said charity shop. Because when we first moved here. I kept going the thrift shop. We been here almost a year now ,but still don't have many friends yet. Hope this Summer we will meet more people. Thanks guys ,I always enjoy watching you guys! Take care!
Find your videos interesting and was wondering how found a beach condo with huge fees?
I volunteered at Restore up until Covid. Worked with 16 year olds up to 90 somethings. Loved it!
I've always found making friendships to be quite difficult. We have re-store stores somewhere near me, too. My friends who are already retired play pickleball. Nice video.
I am 60 and not retired and I joined a wellness center at a retirement village. The center is open to anyone 50 and older. I have met a lot of nice people at an evening water aerobics class.
You guys are so darn cute. I’m just freshly retired and plan to keep the “WhatsApp” I have with the girls at work to stay in touch with them. All your suggestion are pretty good. Thanks 😀
So true.
Norn would be a good nude model i feel
I think that this was a great topic! A few of you mentioned that you seem to do all the inviting…some of us want to do the invitations but have a harder time asking and letting people into our lives or coming up with things to do or reasons to get together or are simply not planners–you simply just cannot know what others are thinking/feeling. As long as this is someone that you would like to get to know, perhaps rather than being frustrated by it, assume that it could be difficult for them and find ways to encourage them and feel more comfortable with you. I am ready to retire but wonder who will I spend time with since I'm younger, single and my friends will be working for several more years. Finally, I love the relationship you two have…very encouraging to see this kind of connection.
I'm set to retire a year from now and currently have no friends to socialize with. However, once I'm free from my 50 hr/week job, I'm joining the senior center, travel groups, and walking clubs. Even if I only form light friendships, it will be better than sitting home alone. I appreciate your videos. Thank you. 🧡
You two are adorable! ✨🤍