Home Real Estate Mark Steyn | Thursday 1st September

Mark Steyn | Thursday 1st September

Mark Steyn | Thursday 1st September

A no-nonsense take on the day’s news, with Mark Steyn’s signature frank views and big name interviews.

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  1. Any law about what you can or cannot do to a 12 year old child is ignored by these men because it is only a “man-made law”, they follow the eternal law of Allah which allows penetration from age 9.

  2. APOLOGIES????
    Mean SHIT in cases such as these.
    We need police and judges and politicians who TAKE ACTION against these kind of " men".
    I am amazed the REAL MEN in these towns have not done something about what is going on there.

  3. What an amazing kettle, a kettle that never gets old. Sounds like the kettles our ancestors had, before electric kettles were invented. Electric kettles I've known have a life span of about 4 yrs if your lucky.

  4. There's so many people speaking up for these rape victims but I'm pretty sure that Tommy Robinson was at the tip of the spear and basically martyred himself to bring this into the daylight when other "journalists" didn't dare go near it

  5. Time to fund autopsies to find out cause. It's really alarming how many heart attacks, strokes, dizzy spells, palsy the list goes on & on super aggressive cancers liver and kidney ailments or failure all since the roll out of our beloved vaccine.

  6. If I'm questioned by my bank about why and what do I need to with -draw my own money out is for : (1) Paying for my funeral now, (2) decorating my home ,(3 ) a boob and a face lift job in Turkey or another is to help pay for a toy boy. I'm 70+ now not 7 .I can act as daft as the next bank teller any day. Leilani why didn't you ask to speak to a bank manager to find out where these new bank rules came from and what year they were invented. Are we now state run ?.

  7. @37:27 Asking that question here in the US will guarantee that you'll have to fill out the form. This goes back all the way to a 1970 money-laundering law, though subsequent administrations added to it. The Federal Reserve implemented its regulation CC to govern the process. For cash transactions of 10K or more, there is a form to complete, the bank submits this to the Fed, and it's also reported to the IRS. If you ask how much you can deposit or withdraw before you have to fill out the form, bank personnel must then require that you complete the report. Because one trick people use to get around the reg is to "structure" their transactions, depositing just enough to avoid having to report it. But because of the way our banks collect and report transactions, you'll still arouse suspicion, just over a longer period of time. As with so many other progressive, Statist policies, the argument for it seems reasonable enough-it's to fight money-laundering related to criminal activity. But it's another limit on the liberty of everyone else. At 10K, the frog doesn't notice that the water is getting hotter. At lower amounts and for more kinds of transactions, he's already boiled to death.

  8. Tommy Robinson has been fighting the establishment on this for over ten years and is branded a racist for his troubles, as well as being victimised, slandered and financially decapitated by them, someone please give him the credit and air time he deserves, good on Mark for bringing it mainstream but Tommy has made several deep expose documentaries on these criminals that are banned on every mainstream channel, rape of Britain, big screen, september 3rd Telford.


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