Home Immigration Mexico Is KILLING Itself | Expats Will Be Going To THESE COUNTRIES Instead

Mexico Is KILLING Itself | Expats Will Be Going To THESE COUNTRIES Instead

Mexico Is KILLING Itself | Expats Will Be Going To THESE COUNTRIES Instead

Mexico Is KILLING Itself | Expats Will Be Going To THESE COUNTRIES Instead

#FineTravel #6FantasticAlternativesFromMexico #Travel2022

Many people wish to live in Mexico, but many can no longer qualify because the Mexican government just significantly increased the amount of money needed to obtain residency here. I’ll thus provide you with five fantastic alternatives to Mexico. If you want to leave your nation of origin in search of a better quality of life. Before very recently, anyone could obtain permanent residency in Mexico with as little as 1,000 $ in monthly income. You must now be able to show 2,600 $ in monthly income in order to be granted residency in this country. You must now be able to show that you make 2,600 $ a month in order to be granted residency here. That number has nearly doubled in the last four years, and it is certain to continue to rise.

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