Home Real Estate Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 – BIG SIM UPDATE

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 – BIG SIM UPDATE

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 – BIG SIM UPDATE

2022 is shaping up to the year of third-party aircraft, this week we have many new aircraft announcements in the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator. We have that
and all the other releases and previews for the week. Your one-stop shop for Microsoft Flight Simulator news.

🔥🔥🔥 Need a new Flight Sim PC? Check out the new line of Aus Flight Simmer PC:

Big Thanks to our friends over at JUST FLIGHT for supporting the channel.


Links mention in the video:

✈️ Drzewiecki Design Renton:
✈️ LCFR:


Flight Sim Gear I use:

Premium Flight Sim Controls: AUSFLIGHTSIMMER10 10% Discount (Virtual Fly)
✈️ Yoke (YOKO+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Throttle 1 (TQ6+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Throttles 2 (V3RNIO+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Rudder Pedals (RUDDO+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Thrustmaster TPR Pedals: (Amazon)
✈️ HP Reverb G2: (Amazon)


Want to be a pilot?:
✈️ GoFly Online:
✈️ Go behind the scenes:


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Welcome the complete guide to this week’s Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Update including the latest news.

#xbox #msfs2020 #microsoftflightsimulator #ausflightsimmer



  1. I feel ya PMDG, MSFS SDK is not the most friendly thing and there is very limited tools for outside programs as well. Eagerly awaiting proper Blender addon.

  2. I think it's super cool how drzewiecki is doing the PMDG promo and also has a 737 MAX assembly line in that video. Under the PMDG 737 teaser, they announced the 737-600 up to the next gen 737-10, meaning all the way up to the MAX 10. I really hope they incorporate all the coolness of the B737 into drzewiecki!!

  3. Can't wait for complex jetliners to be released. Getting sick to death of seeing all these releases mostly being small prop planes..or in general not a simulation of the aircraft at all.

  4. The metrix will always show viewers mostly not subscribed because YouTube does not require a login to watch the video. For example I am subscribed but you came up in my newsfeed where it opens in a browser rather than an app and I'm not logged a browser on my phone. Just something to think about it because those figures will never change. Thanks for the update

  5. can't wait for the DC3, but also the Dash 7 and Trislander will be good. Any idea how far the 737-800 will trail the -700? I think I'll wait for the larger, more common type.

  6. Great Update again as always Aus Flight Simmer. Please keep up the great job of keeping us up to date on are the great news on all the new items what are coming in. It will be great to see the DC 3 Plane,s come in. And the new PMDG 737 Has will. From MJC In Canberra.

  7. I just got the Kodiak and love it.. looking forward to the 737 mostly…and the sim has been running so well for me after the last update I am finally able to run it maxed out and I lock fps at 60

  8. I think you should have words with your Orthodontist. Just don't ask for the Special PMDG models, you may have to wait a while Excellent update as always, saves me loads of time, thank you


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