Home Immigration Mom Gets Pregnant & Her BF Runs Away So Now She Demands I Quit My Job & Raise Her Child Since My…

Mom Gets Pregnant & Her BF Runs Away So Now She Demands I Quit My Job & Raise Her Child Since My…

Mom Gets Pregnant & Her BF Runs Away So Now She Demands I Quit My Job & Raise Her Child Since My…

My dad passed away and mom immediately started dating. She got a boyfriend and surprisingly gets pregnant too. When she broke the news to him he dumped her and run away but mom decided to keep the baby. Well she tells me she wants me to raise the baby since I’m turning 18 in few months and it means I’m an adult and should help her out. She also wants me to quit job and forget college because I should be busy raising her baby.

#mompregnant #raisedbynarcissist #mom



  1. Story 3 whoever said that ESH in the first comment doesn't know what ESH means because how was OP who ordered food from a restaurant and was treated as less than someone of a different nationality that's racist the waitress was racist and hopefully was fired for being that much of a bitch.

  2. 2nd story: Jesus what is it with people who have nowhere to go making demands on people who offer them help. Put up with the smaller room until you can afford your own place moochers. NTA OP, as you rightly pointed out, it’s your house.

    ‘Refusing to move their boxes upstairs?’ OP kick them out now before they establish residency. They will continue to try to bully you.

  3. 1st story: OP your mother is crazy. She doesn’t only want you to babysit which would be bad enough but wants you to pretend the baby is yours? You need to get out. Is there a relative or friend you can go to? If not, you have 7 months. Find yourself a job, save as much as you can and move away, preferably to another city/place where your mum can’t just drop the baby on you. This is not your responsibility. Good luck OP.

  4. Story 1: Sounds like the Stockholm Syndrome. Your mother is a very toxic woman and you're hostage in the situation. She has made sure you have no contact with your family so she's the only adult in your life. She decides to call YOU IN SICK? Stand your ground, OP. Talk to teachers or any adult at your school because you need help ASAP!

  5. "My issue is that I don't have a boyfriend"?
    Really? You're turning 18 and instead of beginning your adult life, you choose to throw it away, lie and deceive, and pretend to be pregnant? And OP, you don't need a boyfriend to become pregnant, all it takes is a one-night stand.

  6. The couple demanding the master bedroom. They’ll never leave if you give in. Why would they leave if they can demand you move into the small bedroom when it’s your house and you pay 75% of the bills ?

  7. Who says spicy food story op is wrong, the waitress blatantly expressed her mindset at the very beginning. The waitress immediately turned down ops order (not giving a suggestion of are you sure, that is really spicy) deliberately put ops order in wrong, and then after the back and forth volley of food, confronts op with a "specially prepared dish made just for them" and takes away ops beverage so they can not use it as a chaser. And the thing that really tells us the waitress' mindset is that she is gobsmacked by ops reaction or should I say lack thereof to the "specially made spicy dish." Nevermind the aftermath of the situation that wouldn't have happened if not for the situation above.

  8. S2 NTA they move to the room you gave them or they move out period. There situation is irrelevant, this is a temporary living situation. Time to evict them period no it's ands or buts. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW

  9. S1 NTA she can put the baby up for adoption. It's not your responsibility it's her's. She doesn't want to be responsible for the baby. She can go after the baby daddy. Don't agree move out ASAP WTF is your mom smoking. She's insane, call CPS if she pulls anymore crap. What's she's doing is illegal.

  10. Last story OP NTA. You and gf didn't purposefully run the kids. Your kids saw you and called you over. They and their friends ask who you were with. Your response sounded fine.and if their friends want to tease and what not they arent really good friends.

  11. She needs to give the baby up. This baby is not your responsibility. Call child protective services and report her for endangering your welfare! Hope the hell out of the situation!

  12. the green curry story: The waitress was rude, but most ethnic restaurants have two different versions of their foods (spice levels). One for white people who complain that food is too spicy or too whatevs and the original version. I love Thai food and see it all the time where people order spicy get spicy then complain it's too spicy. So their version of spicy for white people is usually very mild.

  13. Story 1: NTA OP-RUN!!! The child is not your responsibility, Live your Life, go to college get your dream job…when parents have children it's there choice! so No child is obligated to repay for being born. OP-reach out to family members to try to possibly move with them, cause your mother is going to try to guilt trip you into taking care of HER baby…Good look & praying for a Great future for you!! & a better outcome in this situation..

  14. The spices story: my dad has dealt with this constantly. He’s the only white passing guy in his lunch club while the rest of his coworkers are Asian or Indian, and if anyone else orders their dish spicy it’s made correctly vs my dad’s meal will always be mild. He handles spice the best in the group and now gets one of the coworkers to order for him so they’ll make it to his spice level. It’s frustrating and he knows the restaurants only do it because he looks white so they underestimate his spice level. No wait staff have ever been as rude of the OP’s waitress was though.

  15. First story…whaaat the actual fuuucckk? The 38 year old mom that doesn't want to deal with the baby but like expects her teen daughter to deal with it? She's pro-life? What about her daughter's life? yeesh.

  16. First story: if the mom needs help raising a baby, there are plenty of organizations and federal/state aid programs she can get help from. And if she truly doesn’t want to parent, she can choose adoption (open if she would like updates on the baby). There is nothing wrong with keeping a baby in hard circumstances but there is everything wrong with pushing that responsibility onto others who do not consent to it. If anything, she should find help to hound her shitty bf into child support!

  17. 11:03 comment has brainworms. "Get the meal i felt i deserved" what the fuck are you talking about. she's paying for a thing she's ordered. she does actually get to eat what she ordered. ppl think 'entitled' means 'getting a product you asked for as advertised' now i guess.

    also, the waitress is TA. she could have ruined that restaurant because she wanted a story for r/maliciouscompliance. just imagine if OP was a food critic and her review was "So they got my order wrong five times in a row, twice making the same mistake as before, and then when they finally gave me what I asked for the food was bland and inauthentic. Do not go here. zero stars." ppl saying op was just flexing for her ego? she was getting a thing she paid for. the WAITRESS is the one whose trying to flex on a paying customer, and wasting food in the process.

  18. Story 1 is child abuse. What a horrible toxic mother. OP, talk to the school and get help at once. The last thing you should do is listening to your crazy mother. Don't quit your life and sports. Your adult life is about to begin and you have so much going for you. Don't do it,OP!

  19. Thai Green Curry that has none of the spiciness is very bland. They use coconut milk in green curry to balance out the flavour, since Thai food is based on balanced flavour, so unless the restaurant is taking time to rebalance the flavour, it's likely the curry tastes mostly of coconut milk, which doesn't have much flavour. Thai Green Curry when it's balanced has this warm, tangy spiciness that makes you feel warm inside and fills you up, so I'd be upset at not getting what I ordered too if I ordered a spicy green curry and got a bland dish of slightly flavoured coconut milk sauce.


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