Home Immigration Moving To Portugal VISA´s, Legal Concerns Covered part 2 | Professional Series | @It'll Be Fun ​

Moving To Portugal VISA´s, Legal Concerns Covered part 2 | Professional Series | @It'll Be Fun ​

Moving To Portugal VISA´s, Legal Concerns Covered part 2 | Professional Series |   @It'll Be Fun ​

Come On Come See What all the Fuss is about! Meet Sandra Part1.

She is an Immigration Lawyer. In this video we talk with her about the basics of immigrating to Portugal. Her advice and experiences can help you if you decide to hire a team or if you decide to do the process yourself.

✔✔Contact information for Sandra Jardim Fernandes. email: sandra.jfernandes@sjf.pt
Let’s go. It’ll Be fun!

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Music by Scott Gorsuch, my little brother.

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About us: We are from the USA and have moved to the beautiful Island of Madeira in Portugal. We are very grateful to have this opportunity. We have put together this channel to talk about our journey.

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😎😎We Like (unpaid)😎😎
✔Our Realtor Claudia Ribeiro email her at claudia.ribeiro@imocabrera.com
✔Our recommended Immigration Lawyer Sandra Jardim Fernandes.
email: sandra.jfernandes@sjf.pt
www.valadascoriel.com email:sandrajfernandes@valadascoriel.com

😃Send us your questions for topics. We will answer them in upcoming videos.
😃Email Itllbefunretirement@gmail.com.
😃Please follow us on Instagram @Itllbefungreer

Are you thinking about moving abroad, becoming expats or immigrating? Each week we talk about our journey to retirement, in moving to Portugal, moving to the Island of Madeira and our new experiences. We also answer questions from our viewers!

Are you moving to Portugal or Madeira Portugal? Then this is the channel for you. We are living in Portugal as expats / immigrants. We hope you enjoy our content.

In case you do not know, the Madeira Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean about 325 miles west of Morocco and 625 SW of Lisbon.

Please note that programs or websites we mention are only for reference. We do not receive any money from these websites unless noted as an affiliate. Please do your own research before registering with any company or program. We can not be responsible if they are not what you were looking for or cannot provide the services you may require.

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Enjoy Your Journey!



  1. Bom dia Everyone! Thanks for supporting us! For those of you asking how to get a hold of us or join our community. You can do this through our Patreon http://www.patreon.com/itllbefun Please also keep in mind that many of the contacts for people and websites we talk about are in the description of our videos.

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    All of these things will tell the YouTube algorithm to offer our videos to more people. Everything is greatly appreciated! And It'll Be Fun!

  2. Thank you so much for that, Alan and Leslie! You guys are so generous with spreading all the useful information for us future expats. I’m currently working on a Golden Visa. I believe it’s still a 5-year program towards permanent residency or citizenship, this following renewal at years 2 and 4. Another outstanding video! Keep up the good work. You have a lot of appreciative subscribers.

  3. Thank you Leslie and Alan for another great video, this is exactly what us future expats needed to hear from your lawyer. Knowing who to contact and someone you can trust is priceless and very helpful. Thank you again for providing relevant content for your subscribers and making this journey seem doable, the legal part is the scariest, but seeing a clear path on how to get from point A the point Z is encouraging, we look forward to part 2 of this video. thank you Svetlana and Michael.

  4. Thanks Alan and Leslie. This interview with Sandra Fernandes is great. This type of information is so helpful as I try to wrap my head around the necessary steps, the order they're usually carried out, the people to contact for help and the ballpark figures to make a move to Madeira happen. Great job!


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