Home Real Estate My Minimalist Micro Apartment | 300sqft / 27.8m2

My Minimalist Micro Apartment | 300sqft / 27.8m2

My Minimalist Micro Apartment | 300sqft / 27.8m2

Living in smaller spaces is often cheaper and more sustainable than living in a larger home. In this video I share the things I have in my 300sqft apartment and how they can make a small space feel much bigger, whilst saving time and money in the process.

📹 Check out “Furnishing My Minimalist Apartment” for product links:

🛒 A list of all my homeware and gear can be found here:

🎵 Where I get my music:

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📸 Find me on instagram: @danieltitchener

#minimalist #microapartment #apartmenttour



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