At Nomad Capitalist, our hearts are breaking for everyone affected by the latest catastrophes. It’s been tough to watch what’s happening in Ukraine right now. We have a lot of friends in Ukraine, and we are in touch with them every day, and we know what it’s like to be scared when you have no options.
The Nomad Capitalist team prays for peace in this region and in the whole world. We believe in kindness and that every human has the right to “Go Where They Are Treated Best.”
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
Work with Andrew:
Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
Thank you, Andrew, ever since things in Ukraine kicked off I have literally wondered what was Andrew thinking about the current events in that area. I think your perspective is different from your average person's and I like to balance different perspectives to create my opinions. As an American who has been looking to live aboard for a long time and is about to make the first move. Your videos have been a great final nudge for me the last couple of years. Honestly, because of you, I would love to go check out Serbia and Georgia, but because of current events I am looking at Latin America so I can wait for that region to cool down a bit. I do hope to be able to visit them in the future. My thoughts are with the Ukrainian people and I wish what is happening was not. Best wishes
Unfortunately looking for an idyllic place that will be forever peaceful, is becoming more, and more a fantasy. I hate to say it, but war can break out anywhere, at anytime, for many different reasons. Having more than one passport is smart, just realize that nothing stays the same, and we should all be vigilant in the ever changing geo political climate around us.
Putin eliminated cuuuvid hysteria in one day.
It was tough for 14000 people killed over 8 years in Donbass region the silence is deafening
i think when Ukraine breaks Russia through resistance, it will be an excellent place to invest . Kyiv will roar back. good energy there
This guy has never even been in a fist fight before
Would this guy ever pick up arms even if his family was threatened?
He sounds very Beta
Stand for something
Fight for something
If it comes to it
Thank you very much Andrew. I left the states for a while. I am a retired veteran. I now have residency in Mexico. Although I struggle at times for propaganda and fear. Wear a mask, sanitize your hands, keep away from others, get the jab and so forth. I always felt we should have choices, freedom of expression, share love, care but when you stand up now against demonic practices (my opinion) it gets frustrating. I have been kicked out of many places for not following the "protocols". Ok enough of my rant. Looking into what Belize might have to offer. Traveling with my dog has been fun though!
Serbia knows what's up. Legal justification is one thing. Moral justification is another. Neither are black and white but we are still responsible to consider both and act accordingly in a way that is best for ALL not just self or those that you favor or even those that treat you best. We must also consider those that treat us poorly especially when they do it as a result of circumstances that we helped to create.
Thank you for this very nice video…you are a good man and a smart man as well….i feel very sad for the people there……Merci!
I hear you. Praying for Ukrainians to feel safe and survive this war.
Hope Putin will back off and have a heart to help those who lost their lives, still suffering the horrors and healing from this traumatic event.
Take care everyone.
they say these raised rates will bankrupt 15% of canadians, but we are going to fight back. and win.
i think most canadians hate the lockdowns, masks, mandates and jabs and for 3 days canadians took their cash out of banks and closed bank accounts and trudeau blinked, took down the emergencies act and we are not going to put our money back in the banks and the bank of canada punished us by raising interest rates.
it's the people who always suffer the penalties for wars that criminal governments start. All government is criminal, there is no "good guys" and "bad guys" . The average people are always the victims of government policies.
All of a sudden all the ←ists have become nationalists glorifying war, and among skeptics, even though this group has grown massively since 2020, all but the most contrarian of them are believing the best part of what the mainriver propaganda engine is telling them
One thing that Andrew said many years ago stuck with me and I try to stick to it
"Don't fight just leave…"
You see all these people spending all their time,effort,money fighting the politicians, cheering victories, joining groups, exposing the truth etc….
BUT why? They never win the "war".
It's much better to now waste your time and effort in it and leave
I wish more and more Americans leave and live in other countries to meet the rest of the world. It’s the only way to understand the world. I once met an American in Japan who introduced himself as Canadian to me only a few minutes later his Japanese girlfriend took out his wallet to pay for our drinks and also she pulled out his California driver’s license. Then she revealed everything. The NYFD hat wearing boyfriend of hers was not so proud that he’s American 🇺🇸
Governments are failing their people everywhere, I see it every day. The mindset of people in most governments is wrong and not mature. They are abusive and also out of touch with reality.I and we, do not want to see Ukrainians and Russians fighting. The mainstream media cannot be trusted and are distorting the truth.This is causing mega problems that place leaders to react and millions of people angry. This smaller world is becoming more dangerous and having options is wise.
I often push myself to listen to the guy trying to convince myself he has something to bring to the table but unfortunately the more I try the less it works. Oily, sticky, poor insight, random, everything goes. Anyway this one is the worse when you can't put in perspective complex issues.. The Ukraine issue is far more important than what meet the eye. Your bla bla is just personal blind ideology..
Well said.
We've gone from vaccine passports to banning Russian dolls.
Very sad but main problem is NATO expanding to East. Baltics Belarus Ukraine may stay as neutral buffer states
You know very well that the war is not against the people otherwise wouldn't everybody just be dead by now? Why did they just stop??!what kind of a military strategy would that be??!
The fact that other countries may "believe" in freedom doesn't mean much if they can't protect it. Live on the slopes of a volcano and one day it may erupt. Countries that border Russia, China, and Iran are perpetually at risk.
Yeah i know what you're saying about not staying to fight…it doesn't mean being a coward or hero, it's about not putting yourself in that position in the first place…of course if some crazy dictator just attacks your innocent country for no reason (yeah you stay and fight in that situation) but if you're living in a country that's always controversial in one way or another (get the hell out of there)
I've traveled all around Russia. I have friends on both sides. What is happening is simply tragic. My ex-fiancé was born in Poland but his parents are Belarusian. This all could've been prevented had the United States not provoked by placing our military at the borders of Russian and weaponizing the nazi ukranian nationalist to do a coup against the Russian government. NONE Of this is even being reported in our biased media here in the states. This is NOT a one-sided situation. Bidens son HUNTER SITS on the committee of Ukranian Gas. this is 100% POLITICAL and all at the cost of HUMAN LIVES! My entire family is Military and now my youngest brother a marine is being deployed to the region. Now that Germany has announced they're fully funding Ukraine which goes against rule of engagement this is going to get very ugly. Shame on the greed of this country how ironic the timing of it since our economy in the United States is about to collapse. all propaganda is being spewed a one-sided story about what's actually going on, this is Afghanistan all over again. My cousin lost his life his fourth tour in Afghanistan and before he left, he warned us that this is the direction we were going to preserve oil! my heart breaks for all of those who are literally in the crossfire and now we all will be affected by this.
I don't know why he just couldn't just come out and condemn Putin and the Russian government and Oligarchs. Maybe they're some of his best clients?
You are exactly right that there are going to be severe consequences to innocent Russian citizens. I'm already seeing it here in the United states. People with the mindset that unless you're taking to the streets and shouting against Putin or unless you tried to assassinate him or something, you are complicit. That is moronic.
I wonder how many of these idiots don't realize their double standard because they have never tried to do the same thing to Trump, Biden, or whomever they dislike here.
Probably none of them. It takes intelligence to be that introspective and they appear to have none.
What is happening in the common wealth is a foreign invasion by corporations transnational like the WEF. It is the exact same thing. Nato and the WEF simply want to put a central bank in Russia and they wont have it. Your common wealth countries have been taken over from the inside a long time ago, that is not gonna happen in Russia, that is why NATO keep pushing into their borders. The people in Ukraine are in the situatuon they are now, because they turned a blind out to the corruption in their current governent.
I'm so empathetic about your plight. I'm so disgusted by the current events. It really makes me wonder about the USA. Americans should be equally ashamed because of the unclear, entangling alliances, and the like.
That said, where can we go? Am I wrong in thinking that the (new) premises should include: the ability to be self sufficient, neutrality, low sovereignty risk, the ability to support rights? That list is pretty small.
Look both sides not just Ukraine 🇺🇦. Biden and Nato did not respect the deal between them and Russia 🇷🇺. Would you let Nato putting an army at the Russian boarder? Cuba 🇨🇺 could not do it with a submarine from Russia near United States 🇺🇸 why would Putin accepte that?
Thank you guys for supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦 It’s important to us and we appreciate it
Clearly a "where are you treated best" calculation needs to have, going forward, consideration of the likelihood that Vladimir putin is going to invade.
The non-obvious truth about this first link on my About page.
We are finally seeing Ukraine be liberated from a satanic globalist installed puppet. One who uses true Nazi proxy mercs to ethic cleanse, kill, 13,000 Ukrainian Russians in the last 8 years. Steal 8 billion dollars and seek a Nato membership to protect his crimes and power. Now Z sends his people to their death. Ukraine lost 95% of it's assets in the first hour. What is on the news is BS. Russian is slaughtering the Ukraine army and any fighter. And Russia hasent even begun to fight. It waits for surrender before leveling Keiv along with many other cities. Z will be responsible for millions dead. The NWO puppet will die.
Andrew and team, don't worry about trolls or Cancel Culture. Those of us who believe in nomad capitalism believe in going where we can get treated best without dissing those who no longer can do so for us.
War makes it impossible to be treated well to anyone caught in the middle of it. If some could leave knowing it is impossible to change a war torn country to live better elsewhere, they would and they DO.
Those who stay and fight find that is better than leaving IF they have the option to leave. Else, it's the only option left short of losing your life or your patrimony.
You speak of leaving for those of us who have the option or seek for that option. That's your niche.
I appreciate you having consideration for others who don't have the option or don't want it.
First off why did Ukraine keep those missles there. Why would people of Ukraine keep the openly corrupt government in power as the scandals rolled out. Why is the Ukrainian news putting out false and misleading propaganda. Why are the people of Ukraine laying down their lives for such child peddling scumbag. What was in those labs the Russians blew up? Why is the Ukrainian government swearing fealty to the NEW WORLD ORDER? The Ukrainian governement maid their bed but the people have to sleep in it. Can we do something about these Oligarchs. Clearly this Reset is going to get messy and there will be no place to hide for the wealthy in the end. You can not run from this forever. We can stop this but it has to be now.
Ukraine has the LOWEST per capita GDP of ANY country of Europe in 2020 according to the World Bank. In your opinion, is this due to some sort of "strangulation" of Ukraine by Russia, or is it at least partly due to some of Ukraine's own corrupt leaders (e.g., Tymoshchenko running off with a good portion of the GDP and gettjng exonerated) or some of its policies?
Is this the great distraction? When did being $30 trillion in debt become wealthy? 30 trillion in DEBT.
Is Brandon Klaus Schwab"s final ‘Great Reset’ tool who will get rid of the
middle class esp the US middle class? He is doing a great job destroying
the middle class. Over 1 million dead from CoVid in the US alone!
My husband is Russian and I would be deeply hurt if he is treated with bias simply because he had no say in which country he was born in. He is the most amazing husband and father and awesome human being. He is not responsible for the actions of his leaders. So it would be beyond sickening for him to treated as a criminal. The people who punish regular Russian citizens residing in other countries for the actions of the Russian government, should put themselves in the shoes of the people they are punishing.
I love Ukraine, my heart goes out to them — I wish Americans would feel "this" level of sympathy and "concern" regarding brown and black nations — but I understand it's easier to "like" people or to "read" their pain if they look like you.
What does it mean to be "Christ-like" to be limiting in one's empathy or to have a hyper expansive empathy?
FYI, Ukraine's tax authority made a statement on Feb 28, 2022 that the value of any "movable enemy property aquired in battle" is not taxable income. War loot is officially tax free in Ukraine.
I don’t understand either how people are determined to live in a country that they don’t feel wanted, and quality of life and cost of living are not the best.
The few brave, fortunate ones that escaped being murdered or tortured during WW2 – were wise. I love the philosophy of the Jewish people that survived that time. They had nightmares from it- but the ones that I knew wanted to have a life and be happy. I heard that they had this intention that helped them survive. They would beat the Naxi’s — by living.
Many people and groups are praying for Ukraine at this time. May this insanity be washed and purified by Divine Light and Love so all people can live in peace and safety.
I'm sorry that your friends are suffering. May God help us
I'm not only against this war in Ukraine, I am against all war. I'm a rational pacifist and will not participate in any war. Human Beings and Human Life come way before any Nation, Governments, and Dictators. Humans need to evolve beyond Nationalism. The enormous waste of human lives and resources that go into the military with weapons that could destroy the planet and everyone on it many times over means humans haven't come anywhere close to evolving.