Natasha Lubis
Natasha Lubis (b. 1989) is an artist from Jakarta, Indonesia.
“I have always been naturally drawn to feminine iconographies. I started incorporating old images of Indonesian women from the colonial archive as an integral element of an older series of work in 2016, mainly as a way to study and re-establish connection with my native roots. These historical images, taken by Dutch Colony in the early 1900s, are loaded with mythic and symbolic meaning, reminiscent of the odalisque figure in art history; by positioning them in my paintings, I hope to shift their narrative and provide agency.
More recently, I’ve rekindled my connection with the more intuitive art-making approach as I go back to producing drawings that stem from imagination. By being more attentive to my inner landscapes, I find myself opening up to underlying themes that fascinated me growing up, namely folklore, mythologies and the Jungian notion of the unconscious.”
PADA is an Art Residency & Gallery based in a post-industrial site near Lisbon, Portugal.
Video by Apertura Studios.