Home Real Estate New Life Portugal Vlogging (or not) 😎 My New Life in The Sun

New Life Portugal Vlogging (or not) 😎 My New Life in The Sun

New Life Portugal Vlogging (or not) 😎 My New Life in The Sun

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When asked to vlog my day to day I thought I’d explain why I don’t. In this video I give a little run down of my week in Central Portugal. Although life is different and it takes place under blue sky’s all the mundane stuff is still the same!
Unless it’s a private referral, I get house sits from Trusted House Sitters
If you would like to sign up you can get a discount with this link

Email: solo50plusportugal@gmail.com
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  1. Hi – sorry i don't know your name yet ! Make sure you an external backup disk of your old Macbook. I just bought a new one for mine and it only cost eur 40.00. Once every week/month or what ever….so when/if eventually conks out, you have all your info on the back up! Elemeary my dear

  2. I’m interested in everything but is only if you want to share
    I don’t mind watching you wash the dishes, hang washing and all that stuff 😀
    Thank you for sharing 😁

  3. I know your love for this country, we can feel it, while you film, it comes from the heart. We can see you are a special person, educated and a good background education, and in plus, you are simple and modest. Not stop learning, in many directions, along life, experts say it's the secret to avoid some terrible desiases. You need two or three good books, music, good food and wine and a week on a quite beach. No calls or driving or whatever! I liked your vlog.

  4. I would love it if you showed us some of the products they sell in the markets. I find that grocery stores around the world have some amazing food that are unfamiliar to many of us. Farmer's markets are also very interesting. Just a suggestion if you feel it would be worthwhile. In general, I am happy listening to you talk about whatever since you do a lot of different things and travel around more than a lot of other people. Cheers.

  5. Perfectly great video Luise! I have to say, I enjoy when you just thinking out loud. Doing great with your pronunciation too. Thank you for taking us along! Obrigada 🙏🏻

  6. Lou, i believe it is your lifestyle people like. While house sitting is your forte, you have shared your journey and especially your views of Portugal. People may want to know how you also fit in your mundane task, deal with issues driving license etc. You probably inspire some to follow in your footsteps. I am enjoying your journey and your promo of skill share and how you use it excellent. Then you turn around and do a short….. Sos Pg tea ….. Do they do online ordering. Enjoy your day and thank you.

  7. so lovely and refreshing to wake up turn YouTube on and see a lovely smiling face. Lovely video thank you for sharing all my videos are about my every day life and a diary for my family children and grandchildren to look back on take care have a lovely Sunday


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