Home Real Estate Off-grid Homestead in Central Portugal / Duckweed

Off-grid Homestead in Central Portugal / Duckweed

Off-grid Homestead in Central Portugal / Duckweed

Duckweed is clogging up the pump filter. How can an old woman solve the problem?
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  1. Can you find a pole we have in the usa to clean our pools. It has a net on the end of it and is very long. I’m sure everyone cleans their swimming pools with one, maybe at a pool store, or section of a store dealing with pools

  2. You're like me Cindy, I use duck tape for everything! I recently made a long birdfood scoop with an old milk bottle tied to a pole with duck tape, so I dont have to lean over the wall every day to reach the feeder. Love your videos!

  3. I really enjoy seeing how you go from shore to shore in the morning sun 🌞☀️🌤️☀️ yet I find you so strong but suggest a good sun hat Cindy, really important even if it's only the morning. You have had some difficulties but you came through shining. Congratulations Cindy. Thanks so much for your efforts 🌹🌞🌹🌞🌹🌞

  4. Cindy, what I have done to extend my rake so I could get leaves and twigs off my roof is to buy PVC piping with an internal diameter just a bit wider than the rake's handle. then I screw through the pipe and the handle in a couple of places on opposite sides of the handle to hold them together securely. You can get another PVC pipe just large enough to slide over the first PVC pipe. Works like a charm and is easy to remove and reuse again.

  5. Hazel ☘️ …
    Well it’s all go on the farm … I don’t know how you do it Cindy ! …. Fours days on your farm and I’m exhausted !

    The water situation is a big worry , especially for me as I worry so much about your livestock as a caretaker …. Running to the village daily for 30plus x 8 Larson of water is not a viable solution for the long term …

    God news I soaked the ground last night and this morning Luise and I dug in a water bucket for the girls as a short term solution to giving them water every half hour as they toppled the water looking to wallow … truth be told Luise did most of the digging 😀 I carried the water over 👍

    The intense heat has been unbearable (nearing 40 on your farm each day I’ve been here ! ) hopefully it’s forecast to cool down a little towards the end of the week !

    And of course the heat brings every insect that just wants to bite me or sting me … this mornings hornet sting was very painful …. And I’m still nursing my Recluse Spider Bite on my big toe …. Not even counting the fly and mosquito bits !

    But the farm is all in order for your return , but no extra work done , just animal welfare as best I could …
    The piggies will be glad to see you back and I know Thandi and Juno will give their mummy a big welcome home !

    Yikes mouse in the house …, yikes … you didn’t tell me about that … if it had come near me while I was sleeping I’d run a mile ! …

  6. Cindy, as pigs don't sweat, I think to have females giving birth in wooden shelters baking in sun, will be cruel. Surely another run under the tree, with a shade cloth strip overhead and nice beds of straw, or Lucerne will be adequate? A little rain won't hurt, as it it warm. That other box was fine for Winter, but now impossible. Even the runs as they are are too hot with no proper big mudbaths, in the shade. Urgent rethink asap. please. 🙏

  7. Please make a plan, asap to bring shade to the piggeries. Forty degrees, will close schools! They and babies will burn up. Stretch shade cloth left to right and green tag it onto fences. Water can be placed under it. I see you need your marigolds on and clean out their water tyre with a Goldilocks! If a few metres square of builders plastic is bought then it will be perfect for them to eat on hygienically. Easy to wash off and keep clean by, hosing off. 👏

  8. You go girl! Love your perseverance and ingenuity. Would suggest a go pro helmet harness or something like it to improve the quality of your videos. We would love to get a better view of your adventures. Would like to buy it for you but not sure how to go about it since I don't live in Europe. Plz let me know how to go about it.

  9. Wow, great solution for pulling the weeds and filter from your water mine top job, lady❣

    You must borrow a human whenever you must rake the mine, if only as i witness to call for help if ever you involuntarily tip in for a swimmy swim 😉. 💗


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