Meet the Kunekune Pig Crew at Quinta da Bela Pedra (and one Iberian pig).
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Very interesting blog!! Thanks Cindi!!
That new lot are a noisy bunch! You have an amazing little crew there now. Full on pig farmer. Congratulations! 🙂
Sooooooo many Kunekune pigs ! 🌀💚🌀
Your family is growing rapidly…🤓…nice to see . Julian has done a great job with all the fencing. I love these foggy mornings , think you found a nice place there. Greetings 🌞🙋🏻♀️ 🇩🇪
Barrow, male castrated pig, you need to isolate Coco pop so she can give birth in peace and her hut needs a rail that the piglets can scoot under so mum does roll on them. I hope also she is not iron deficient as may eat some of her young. I am really pleased to see you trying to save this rare breed. Free Ranging them too is the most healthy way of rare them too .My Mum pork business was way ahead of her time the modern intensive type of farming is very deterimental to the pigs. I look forward to seeing your first litter. Lana Australia
With the pigs names like apple pie – you must be planning on eating them?
Helloooo Cinty! You are quite a wonder to behold! That's quite the piggy enterprise you have going there now. I wish you all the best! Also, if you have some cactus on your property, here is a recipe that you can make using cactus, and you can substitute salt cod for the shrimp. The recipe can be found on YouTube, with this title : TORTITAS DE CAMARON Con Nopalitos | Shrimp patties with Cactus
Your boars will fight. They have tusks for a reason
Interesting lesson about your pig-herd strategy! thanks for sharing your amazing dream with us –
So glad to see your farm growing. God works in mysterious ways.😊
And your hair is getting longer! I almost didn't recognize you. Cute !
Wow! That was a fun video seeing all of your new pigs and hearing about your plans for breeding. I think the suggestion for a piggie family tree is a great idea! Thandi is getting so big and her coat is really changing. Herding pigs is a good idea too! Your joy really comes through your videos. So happy for you Cindy! See you next time.
Maybe Cheesecake will be a good doula for Cocoa pop. I sure hope so, anyway.
Great to see your piggy family growing. Can't wait to see piglets when they are born. Your farm is growing and developing ❤
Lovely seeing your new piggies and good luck on your breeding.
Dearest Cindy, I am so happy you got the pig from the breeder who could not take care of them any more!! They couldn't have gone to a more caring person! Can't wait to see your kind and happy face in next video. 😍
Glad you could get some more pigs for your gang,…we almost had a heart attack when your cute dog Thandi almost rolled into the water well ( glad you were there just in case) you might want to short fence / wall it? With holes for the rainwater to get in, maybe made of a few medium size rocks around the well? Please…..yes we know it will be one more thing to do, but this is very important.
Very impressed Cindy. You have a solid business plan and have obviously done your research. I
see a bright future. Good job 😉
Wow! just wow! the pigs are amazing, and they have such nice winter coats. Will you need to brush them, or will they shed their coats on their own
We’re gonna have to change your name to miss piggy the piggy Lady🤣🤣🤣
Love the new addictions… congrats 👏
Congrats on new pigs and looking forward to hearing of multiple pregnancies!
Hi Cindy, you have a full "class room " of kuni Kuni students. They will surely keep you busy and on your feet.
My turn collecting acorns with winter approaching as extra food for my wild squirrels
Wish you lots of success and a joyous journey. Warm regards
From Durbanville
I thoroughly enjoyed this video about your pigs. It brought back so many memories for me. When my children were little they were involved in 4-H. They raised pigs and lambs and competed in county and state competition for breeding and training. I loved it and was so proud of my kids.
Wow, over night you have become a piggie farmer😄 big step forward for the farm. Congrats Cindy👏
Are they all fixed.
Using a board may help when separating just an idea
Great video I noted it a lot 😁
When are you house training coco-pop?
Boa Tarde os seus porcos são muito bonitos eu adoro 🇵🇹👍
Thanks Cindy! I’m amazed you can remember all the pigs names and note their unique personalities. George ‘ Kune’ is a great name. Can tell you enjoy showing off the Crew. Take care. 💕from Ky, US.
Hi Cindy another great video I see you took my advice and got some more pigs love the names.
Congratulations on your breeding stock. You may need a border collie to help with your herding.🙃 The farm is alot of work, but I will be rewarding.🙂👍👍👍👍👍
Love all the pigs and their adorable names. By the way, who is your male assistant? I must have missed his introduction.
Cindy great ideia 😉
Hi Cindy congratulations on the new piggys, Cindy are you alright my lovely as you dont look very well?? Xx
What a beautiful mist looks like a Corot painting
Cindy l never liked Pigs since I have been watching you l have grown to like them they are cute well done Cindy 🐷🐷🐷🐷🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
Aah thanks Cindy for the info they are the cutest piggies i have ever seen. Specially the one's with the plat gesiggies and the top teeth poking out. Thandi is growing fast and she allmost fell in the put i had a fright there at that moment. Still very hot here i can not wait for winter to come. Oh by the way my son's name is Chris he past away 18 years ago it put a smile on my face though. Greetings from CT 🐕🐖🤗😉🌹
Wow! It looks like your moving right along with getting a nice source of income! Congrats! They are a cute pig, if a person can say that about a pig.
Warum?Warum die schweine. So viel Arbeit. Ich hab dich lieb. ❤
So, do they end up as bacon?
Nice congrats carry on with the good work, good rest of this week all the best to all, injoy it.
a familia esta a aumentar rapidamente,lol.
see ya
happy for u
Congratulations on your new pigs. I have a question on the water hole. How come they do not put fences or stone walls around them so animals or even people don’t fall in? I noticed no one does it and was just wondering the reason.
Wow! The herd is getting big and if you have piglets on the way it will grow even faster. Is there are a market already in place for selling piglets in Portugal, or would you have to look around for buyers? I think Albert might become sausages if he doesn’t behave.