Home Immigration Offshore Businesses: How to Build Them

Offshore Businesses: How to Build Them

Offshore Businesses: How to Build Them

Check out our Guide on How to Open an Offshore Bank Account:

And our article on 4 Corporate Tax Systems for Offshore Companies:

Incorporating your business offshore has numerous benefits for you; that’s why Nomad Capitalist was always a big believer in building an offshore business for some reason, but some people still don’t get it. In this video, Andrew answers comments from viewers and clarifies his thoughts on how you can use all the strategies we talk about to build your business offshore.

00:00 Start
0:37 Taxation in the United States
1:15 Answer on Comment
5:46 Caribbean Citizenship
7:02 Pay High Taxes
7:55 For Wealthy Americans

Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.

Work with Andrew:

Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.



  1. It sounds like the questioner was asking about setting up a factory or something requiring a lot of physical infrastructure in a low tax/emerging country. I suppose it wouldn't be as easy as in a richer country, but the locals seem to be able to do it.

  2. I am way below this income range for this video, however, I think it is important for me to learn, because I will be, and I like making plans with information!

  3. Andrew you never talk about India. Probably for good reason. But I love Indians. Rational and conservative, you know? This is my attempt at capturing your attention with india. Also up and coming hard working people

  4. If you don’t need to live or start a business in the country you get citizenship, what is wrong with Vanuatu? It’s less expensive than St. Kitts and the Caribbean is next on the chopping block to lose EU visa free travel.

  5. You know a lot of the things that you say are correct, but there is one thing you're leaving out. The majority of people don't have businesses that are portable. I remember the president of Home Depot on CNBC said that they pay the most taxes of any us corporation, and they are domestically held. He also spoke at length about rising taxes and he said if America is not competitive, the talent can go elsewhere. And that's true. But they're not going to third world countries. I don't think I'd want to start a business in Hong Kong, in particularly what the Chinese communist government is done. There's a certain amount of camaraderie that people give from living and working in a particular country and ecosystem. You just can't do this remotely. So if you're an investor and you just collecting income from the markets, then it doesn't really matter where you go. But I think by and large, people that are high net worth or ultra high net worth generally want to live in countries with good infrastructure, healthcare, and nice people. There's a correlation between people's income and crime, and social programs. And of course, the poorer country is generally the more corrupt it is. You can see by what's happening in today's day and age where the US government is hunting down all the Russian billionaires and confiscating their assets. I don't think it's an overreach for one to consider that they are going to go out and say hey, you aided and abetted your government to invade Ukraine, and we have to put out $20 billion dollars to bail them out. We want our money back, so we're taking it from you! And how many people around the world would be up in arms about that? Not many I don't think, and if you look at the masses they would also say hey, these guys are all in bed together and all of their money was likely ill-gotten! Roman abramovich just got his Portuguese passport. Now they want to change the law! But still, they can't throw him out of Europe, but that's not stopping the UK from seizing his football team. And there's a long list of people behind him we're in front of him depending on which way you look at it. The US government has assembled an entire team right now searching the entire world for assets that are held by these people. I'm sure they mostly have complex structures, but how long will it take them to figure it out? And since the whole world is dependent on US dollars, every Bank in the world will say yes sir when the US government bangs on their door asking for seizure of assets.

  6. Europeans and Scandinavians are paying more taxes and people seem happy seeing their money in action to improve human lives. In America, people are living miserably by poverty. The war has been eating all the money collected. Stupid people votes for stupid leaders.

  7. Andrew, I see that your prime customer is people who are looking to expand a business or businesses. Do you have any ideas for people like me who are looking to retire and take it easy? We don't have the energy to start and maintain businesses. We just want to chill out in freedom. I think you'll find a large supply of customers who would fit that mold if you have anything to offer.

  8. That poster didn't think this through. Open up an Internet advertising business in Panama. Then open a US biz. Then run all your US biz Internet Advertising expenses through the offshore biz. 0 out your Us biz income every year via Internet Ad expenses. US taxes = 0. Panama taxes =0. Think people, totally legal too.

  9. Hi Andrew, I was wondering how you get around the Co-vid travel restrictions now and in the future? What you talk about has got me fired up but I wonder how you can live your lifestyle without being vaccinated? As a Canadian, it means we need to plan somewhere accessible by road should they shut down air travel again. This limits us to Mexico basically……(I'm assuming you are vaxxed).

  10. I’m must share something with this video audience that I just read that is very disturbing and I am a long time subscriber 😀and agree with most of all of what is said here. 

    On another YouTube video which is about public transport which I am for and also for more bike leads and in countries like Canada and in the United States. I thoroughly agree with that but a person stated that she is for all rich people in the United States and I’m not sure if she mentioned United States or Canada or both but she said they should all pay 90% tax!!! She really believes that or he and that is how they would Fund public transport and help poor people which I’m fine with some of taxes being used for that it but also she’s under the impression that of all rich people do not earn their money. And at least 21 people agreed with her and this is a recent comment so I’m assuming there’s a greater number than that very quickly with this. Also she did not define what they mean by rich people if she just means billionaires or millionaires or what. And she ended with and if they do not agree they can just leave the country and leave our good resources etc. I found this very disturbing thought that people think that it is right to take 90% of peoples money by taxes if they happen to have more and they don’t believe they earned any of it. !!!!???

  11. For citizenship by investment, is there much benefit to owning a residence in your CBI country?

    If political stability hits the fan, and countries isolate. Would having both a passport and home in one spot be safer as compared to just having residence and owning a property in a country you are not citizenship of?

  12. I don't think this video is titled correctly. Should be something like, rebuttal to the people who think you have to live/do business in St Kitts if you buy their passport.

  13. I was wondering if you could (or have already) done a video on which banks (by country) are safe for timid Canadians who are trying to ensure their money is not tied up in Canada?


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