Home Real Estate Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron in joint call with Russia's Putin | DW News

Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron in joint call with Russia's Putin | DW News

Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron in joint call with Russia's Putin | DW News

In its third week, Russia’s war on Ukraine has seen more fighting, more suffering, and more attempts to find a diplomatic way out of the violence. Authorities in Ukraine say rocket attacks have destroyed an airbase near the town of Vasylkiv in the Kyiv region. President Zelenskyy has also accused Russia of KIDNAPPING the mayor of the occupied city of Melitopol. Officials released this footage, which they say show him being abducted. His whereabouts remain unknown. Meanwhile Russian forces appear to be closing in on the Ukrainian capital. Shelling has already reached the outskirts of Kyiv.


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  1. Harsh sanctions, constant diplomatic talks, direct sanctions for Putin and Russian oligarchs… hasnt anyone ever thought that sometimes to fight a bully you have to show force also? And now an attack near the Polish border! Putin is taunting the West! He wants a head to head full blown all out war with the West to finally decide if democracy or communism will prevail.

  2. 澤倫斯基你还要推多少平民百姓去鬼门关?英美只是想透過烏克蘭拖垮俄羅斯。是個核心戰略而已。根本就是隔岸操控的各種假動作而已。尤其美國完全沒有出面調停的動作,只是一邊不斷強調自己絕不出兵,一邊不斷透過金融制裁、給錢、運武器、搞米格機,在烏克蘭的戰場上去製造、擴大俄烏雙方的更多犧牲。澤倫斯基請看清楚美國與其他西方國家的面具。不要再当美国的傀儡领导人,不然的话将会有更多平民百姓被你当炮灰犧牲!不要被美国和北约的诡計得手。烏克兰平民百姓不要再做無謂的犠牲了。是誰不珍惜你们的生命和财产!生命是可贵的,澤倫斯基就是拿你们当炮灰,把平民百姓推向不归路,換取自己的政治利益!

  3. Greetings from Romania! In order to maintain an objective view over the events, to keep a counter balance to western way of seeing things, I urge you to make accessible as much material as possible on the declarations of Mr. President Putin, with as many details and references to the facts that he brings into discussion.

    Currently, due to language barrier, biased media and other factors, people in the West have very limited access to the intricate mechanisms sitting at the base of Mr. President's decisions and declarations and thus the west can easily misinterpret them.

    For the good of all parties, the West has to have a better grasp on the substrate of the Russian-Ukrainian reality.

    It would be of a tremendous importance to provide side links in each video description, to English articles on the events brought about in the respective speech of Mr. President.

  4. Of course the apartment buildings need to be bombarded to be cleared from fighters dressed in civilians, and indeed dressing fighters using civilians dresses makes it reasonable to make real civilians be killed as they cannot be distinguished from the fighters, and women and kids are part of the fighters ironically, all and all if the comedian fails as president, why Ukrainians don't remove him so further damage can be avoided?

  5. 评:欧洲议会关于乌克兰问题 爱尔兰籍议员克莱尔戴莉的巫毒邪恶演讲

  6. Dear friend, genuine repentance and recitation of those words will protect you from calamities:

    "F a l u n  D a f a is Good" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good".

    F a l u n  D a f a  (or F a l u n  G o n g) is a spiritual cultivation practice for mind and
    body that is widely spreading in the world, it is based on the
    principles of the Universe:

    真 Truthfulness
    善 Compassion
    忍 Forbearance

    It includes gentle exercises and meditation. It helped millions of people
    to regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfillment. Since
    1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally persecuted by the CCP (Chinese communist party) in
    Mainland China. More than 100 million people around the world practice Falun

  7. Liebe Schwester und Brüder, unser himmlischer Vater wird nach Trump auch Putin aufhalten. Jeder muss sich entscheiden, ob er auf der Seite des Guten oder des Bösen steht.
    Gesegnet sind die Menschen in ihrer Nächstenliebe zu allen Flüchtlingen. Wer das Schwert hebt, der wird durch das Schwert umkommen. Es gibt für Menschen, die dem Bösen folgen, keine Hoffnung nach ihrem irdischen Leben.


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