Home Immigration 'Operation Dudula' fuels anti-immigrant sentiment in South Africa | DW News

'Operation Dudula' fuels anti-immigrant sentiment in South Africa | DW News

'Operation Dudula' fuels anti-immigrant sentiment in South Africa | DW News

South Africa is seeing another wave of anti-immigrant protests. They’re mainly targeting foreigners from neighboring countries who came to South Africa without papers.
The protests are driven by a new movement called Operation Dudula. Dudula means “force out” in the zulu language. And it’s creating fear amongst migrants in the country.


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#SouthAfrica #Xenophobia #Dudula



  1. Fascist narratives always begins with a chosen enemy, even if it's just less than 10% of the population… Careful S.A., Brasil went through this way and look where it led us!

  2. South Africa’s high unemployment has nothing to do with foreigners, South Africa has had a high unemployment rate since 1994 so lets not pretend it’s on foreigners. It’s no one’s fault that foreigners are doing the job the native South Africans don’t want to do, maybe if they get up and be productive and stop blaming everyone for their problems they can get ahead in life. Blame the ANC Government because their they’re the ones who promised more since 1994 and it’s 2022…BLAME THE GOVERNMENT!!

  3. Foreigners claim that South African are lazy,sorry my friend we don't work for 2 cent…and u won't come in our zone and take 2 cent and teach our employers to pay us two cent we will beat u until u learn to take real money.coz they will think we all cheap and start treating us cheap or reject us for cheap stuff.

  4. I feel the pains of the South African people. I completed my PhD in SA and I could relate with this issue. SA people ain't xenophobic, they are just facing immigration crisis. Regardless of the assistance rendered by the other African countries during apartheird, SA people sacrificed and bled and died for their freedom. We must respect them! But I implore them to prevail upon their government to straighten out the loopholes in their immigration policy and porous borders. I know that SA is a beautiful country with a relatively better economy than what obtains in some other African countries. This reality has made travelling to SA to be an easier choice for some Africans compared to demanding for a better governance in their own countries. President Ramaphosa strikes me as a wise man and he should please help talk sense into his counterparts that are presiding over the affairs of African nations. Enough of these shame! We can do better as Africans! You don't get to see Moroccans, Rwandas, Beninoise, or Ghaniansa desperately trying to migrate to other countries, simply because they have a working government. Immigration should be a matter of aspiration and not a matter of desperation. Africans should not be desperate to leave their countries. Enough of the senselessness and insensitivity on the part of the African leaders! Kind regards to my SA brothers and friends. Special regard to Abigail Ramudzuli and Lutendo, thanks for making my stay in SA a worthwhile experience.

  5. Yesterday around 7pm I met a young lady crying with tears, saying she was gang raped by two Zimbabweans. 6 taxi drivers were robbed and killed by foreign nationals between March and may. Over 70% (12000) of prison population are Zimbabweans and Malawians. Over 500 are serving murder and others are rape and yet they think we should sit down and allow this nonsense.

  6. Illegal immigrants are a major problem worldwide, operation dudula speaks to and for the ordinary South African who are overwhelmed by the number of illegal immigrants in the country, mind you the unemployment rate is fast reaching 50% South Africa as country has seen a dramatic decrease in the rule of law with hijacked and stolen cars being smuggled out of the county and illicit cigarettes being smuggled into the country, law enforcement failing in any way to deal with illegal immigrants and securing the countries border, we love our African brethren but lets fix our individual countries first then we can form a united Africa.

  7. South Africa cannot keep absorbing immigrants from other countries, especially illegal immigrants. We just cannot keep doing it. African governments must stop being corrupt and do right by their citizens.

    We support Operations Dudula and Put SA First!!!!


  9. Can you blame them though? We would feel the same if we were living in shack’s and immigrants started showing up competing for jobs and driving wages down. It’s natural!


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