Home Real Estate Our $220 Apartment in Antalya Turkey | Very safe neighborhood!

Our $220 Apartment in Antalya Turkey | Very safe neighborhood!

Our $220 Apartment in Antalya Turkey | Very safe neighborhood!

This is our apartment in Antalya, Turkey where we spent 1 year. WATCH NEXT: How we rented an apartment in Antalya 👉 Rent prices TRIPLED in Turkey 2022 👉🏻

We lived in Turkey for a year now and sharing our personal experience and observations as foreigners.

THE TRUTH why we LEFT TURKEY. Positive vs Negative sides of living in Turkey 👉

Living in Turkey


💚 Prices NOW in Antalya, Turkey October 2022

😎 MUST KNOW before you travel to Turkey

Scams to avoid in Turkey (taxi, restaurants, “guides”)

10 Reasons to Visit Antalya, Turkey

More videos from Turkey

00:00 Intro. Our Apartment in Antalya Turkey
00:15 Welcome to our home! Bathroom, Kitchen, Living room, Bedroom. Pros and Cons, what to watch out for. Heating, Internet etc
07:39 Facilities. Gym, Pool
09:10 Outside the apartment. Infrastructure, shops
11:36 Walking around the neighborhood in. in Antalya Turkey. “Turkish apartment” Vs “Site – apartment complex”
17:42 Big Supermarket in the neighborhood
19:04 Prices for apartment rent in Antalya Turkey, how they changed in 2022. Bills, internet. Bloopers ☺️

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  1. This is our apartment in Antalya, Turkey where we spent 1 year. WATCH NEXT: How we rented an apartment in Antalya 👉 https://youtu.be/1IdqzPXgndI Rent prices TRIPLED in Turkey 2022 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/WOwu_Ph2ZB8
    THE TRUTH why we LEFT TURKEY. Positive vs Negative sides of living in Turkey 👉 https://youtu.be/MXpIscvPuH4
    Living in Turkey
    👉🏻 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbukJP9uQAFLG7mIl3ytlf7fsFhwZ8zlO

    Where do you live right now? Are you happy there? What do you think about the cost vs quality? Would like to get some inspiration from you, as we are on a search for our forever home 😊

  2. I ❤️ this video, this apartment of yours, this residential Turkish neighborhood…! So pleasant and convenient! I just wonder how difficult it is communicating with the local if the only language you speak is English…?

  3. молодец!Крутые видео! Подскажи в каком районе лучше всего смотреть квартиры и желательно с отоплением?

  4. Let's clear the pricing of this flat for the foreign spectators: Currently, a mediocre flat in the Liman neighbourhood costs at least 800 usd/month. Yours is around 1000 usd/months. (So 220 is a bargain!) The prices might sound OK for a foreigner but for most of Antalians, it's unachievable. (Minimum wage per month is a little less than 300 dollars per month.) That's how Konyaaltı has become an only-foreigner area in Antalya, just like Lara. So exhaust smell for locals, sea view for foreigners…

  5. i love antalya but those garbage bins are ugly and a huge eyesore, they need to be replaced with nicer ones without wheels so they don't get pushed onto the middle of the road.

  6. Good morning beautiful people…. Very nice video… I have visited Antalya early this year and it was amazing …when you come from Europe, ie holding Euro or Pound Sterling in your pocket you generally feel very rich there….I love that feeling ..😂

  7. Некоторое время назад мои американские друзья прояснили мне в чём разница в произношении слов live и leave. Live звучит как лыв, а leave произносится как лив. Easy.

  8. Thanks so much for your post. We are here in Antalya checking out the area too. Even with rent prices increasing so much, you really could live on only 600-700 euros per month. Is your apartment in the west side of the city? I thought so, since I saw the mountains just past your apartment in the video. I'll try to watch your video, how to rent an apartment. 😊

  9. if my cost is below 800-1000 euro for an appartment or house in turkey i would love to live there,
    Even here prices are like amsterdam, here in rotterdam i pay 1400 euro for a normal appartment,
    anyway i love your videos, really helpful
    And im really considering moving to antalya


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