Home Real Estate Our Abandoned Barn To Tiny House! Portuguese Homestead Project

Our Abandoned Barn To Tiny House! Portuguese Homestead Project

Our Abandoned Barn To Tiny House! Portuguese Homestead Project

Working on our barn project during the summer can be pretty tough in the constant heat, as you saw in our last video we can work early in the mornings and late in the evenings before hiding from the sun during the day! This week it’s tike to tackle the plant life that’s grown up recently, uncovering a whole host of surprises from around our soon to be tiny stone home 🙌

Our off-grid portable power set-up from Renogy:

Renogy 100w folding solar panel:

Phoenix Solar All-in-one generator:

Renogy 240w solar panel:

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*We use affiliate links which we earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. We use these funds to feed our cat, who demands an abundance of cat soup (yes that’s a real thing!)

Theo and Bee gave up their busy city lifestyles in 2014 to explore alternative living, and have lived in vans and boats since then without looking back! Along with their cat Ginjey Bear they are driving around the world in their self-converted Sprinter Van 🗺

Our Abandoned Barn To Tiny House! Portuguese Homestead Project

#OffGrid #BarnConversion #Homestead



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