Home Real Estate Part 14 – Our Iveco Daily Self Build Minibus Conversion – The Finishing Touches

Part 14 – Our Iveco Daily Self Build Minibus Conversion – The Finishing Touches

Part 14 – Our Iveco Daily Self Build Minibus Conversion – The Finishing Touches

Part 13 – In this video we get quite a move on with the build. Lots of little jobs and some finishing touches. We hope you enjoy the video.
We expect that ‘Mungo the Minibus’ will be our full time home for the next few years whilst we travel the UK and Europe, and whilst we work on our land and our little house in Central Portugal. The dream may be starting to become a reality.
Thank you so much for following our journey, love from Elaine and Darren.

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  1. Hazel ☘️ …
    Oh how exciting … almost there … yay !

    Yes a wee trip to check it all out and reward yourselves and Max of course … and a celebratory glass of champagne and a home cooked meal is the order of the day !

    And of course the great naming of the camper van … listen carefully as you drive down the road … it will “tell” you his/her name 😀

    So very well done !

  2. Wow !!!!! What a fabulous van conversion you have done,you are so talented and you should be very proud of all your hard work.Thanks for sharing the footage of the delightful Max snoozing in the sun,living his best life !

  3. Looking absolutely fabulous – huge well done guys!! Hope you manage to get away for some of this unexpectedly wonderful springtime sunshine 😎💜👍🏾

  4. "You didn't do bad" no you did fantastically! it looks lovely, I bet you are impatient to get going now aye! well done to you both, hope you have many happy times in her, I'm presuming vans are like boats and referred to as 'her', you'll have to give her a name now! 🌞🌞👍

  5. A great job well done! You both have so much talent to be able to take a bus and turn it into a beautiful and tastefully decorated travelling home. Looking forward to following your adventures.

  6. WOW what a fantastic job.. This kitchen!!! WOW again..The van is looking so good.. GREAT job and you two are so cute and I can see the pride and happiness this is bringing to you both.. And no you did not do to bad..🥰 Thank you to you both for sharing with all of us…l love it all.

  7. I’m sitting here smiling at the pair of you smiling and feeling excited for you both oh and Max of course. Mungo is looking very swish……and I can smell your lovely coffee from here!

  8. Isn’t it lovely when you’ve worked hard on something and it comes to fruition…!! I can see that look in your eyes at the end where you are taking time to sit and enjoy your attractive, comfortable, and functional home on wheels!! Very, VERY happy for you, and looking forward to coming along virtually with you on your upcoming new adventures!!! Hugs from Northern California.

  9. Give yourselves a pat on the back for a conversion well done 👌😍. Great that you did manage to take a breather and enjoy some of this fabulous weather that we've been having. Will you manage to get away in the bus at Easter for your first adventure?


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