Per Conclave 19 Aug. 1458 pro causa Byzantina a Cardinalibus Deestota Villa, Bessario, Isidoroque
The 1458 papal conclave (August 16–19), convened after the death of Pope Callixtus III, elected as his successor Cardinal Enea Silvio Piccolomini who took the name Pius II.
The results of the second ballot on August 19 in the morning were a greatly disappointing surprise for d’Estouteville. He received only six votes – those of de Coëtivy, Colonna, Bessarion, Fieschi, Torquemada, and Castiglione. Cardinal Piccolomini obtained nine votes – those of Barbo, Orsini, Calandrini, Isidore of Kiev, de Mella, de La Cerda, Jaime de Portugal, del Mila y Borja, and that of d’Estouteville, who hesitated to vote for himself but certainly did not consider Piccolomini a serious rival. The votes of Rodrigo Borgia, Giacomo Tebaldi and Enea Piccolomini fell to other candidates. After announcing the results, Cardinal Dean opened the customary procedure of the accessus. There was a long silence broken by Rodrigo Borgia who changed his vote to Piccolomini. Then the partisans of d’Estouteville made an attempt to adjourn the session, but Cardinal Tebaldi also changed his vote to Piccolomini, who needed only one vote more for the election. At this point Cardinal Colonna arose to give his vote. Cardinals Rouen and Bessarion attempted to subdue him forcefully but Colonna was able to free himself from the scuffle to proclaim “I also vote for the Cardinal of Siena, and I make him Pope!” The rest of the adherents of the Cardinal of Rouen could do nothing but change their votes too, and a few minutes later Cardinal Bessarion congratulated Piccolomini on his unanimous election to the papacy.
Cardinal Enea Silvio Piccolomini accepted his election and took the name Pius II. On September 3, 1458, he was solemnly crowned on the steps of the patriarchal Vatican Basilica by Cardinal Prospero Colonna, protodeacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
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Bessarion was quite the Scholar-Prince!