#Abandoned, #surveying , #Portugal, #renovationproject
Planning our DREAM HOME is an exciting journey , be there with us to celebrate all the achievements and progress throughout the years as we plan and restore this abandoned Portuguese ruin and build our life in this magical place in Central Portugal.
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Contents of this video
0:00 This is where it all starts
1:46 Meeting the man..Dirk the Surveyer
2:40 Tour of his home and office
3:45 Surveying progress report
8:13 Stereophotogrammetry explanation
12:21 Detailed map of surveyed points
17:38 Q& A with Dirk
26:53 Bloopers
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Luke Coleiro
Apartado 001123
EC Zona Industrial
Castelo Branco
Castelo Branco
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Off-Gridding on a shoestring
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Greetings from Chiapas, México. Dirk seems like the perfect person to have as not only a surveyor, but also a detail guy. Every project needs one. Kudos on getting all that detailed information. Great progress!
Very interesting, I’m looking forward to these updates and understanding the process a little more. Thank you for sharing this.
Very cool stuff , very interesting .A big help for you guys .
Hai Sarah and Luke. I wonder how many ponds there are on your property? I understand there are 2. The one behind the goat house witch Dirk surveyed and one where the watermine is. Do you expect to find more ponds and where ? Maybe behind the secret garden where the valley is covered with brambles or between the cheese factory and the river? Greetings from claris xxx
Dirk is really a game changer for your future build, from small things, come great endings, nothing like having a plan, so exciting a dream becoming reality, you both such beautiful peeps, may you build your home and that it stands for years and years to come. 💜🤗🏠
Love this video! The imagery is amazing … so lovely of Dirk to help out and what an exciting times ahead for your guys. 😃❤👏
really coooool👏👏👏👏👏👏
How very interesting this video was I had no idea that what Dirk did was even possible and it seems to be quite tedious so happy he contacted you to do this very important job that you will use for all your future projects, was Dirk there just to do this job or was he also on vacation and does he also plan on living in Portugal in the future too Belgium is very rainy I believe 😂
Wow fascinating stuff and the technology will indeed be a big help with all your plans 😍😃🤔
Wow!!! That’s great what Dirk has done!!!
You guys have a big project ahead of you. But, both of you are healthy and in form and have determination for your house to be built. Of course, it will take time and obstacles will be in the way ( it’s always like that! hey that’s why it’s called life 😊) but I’m sure you’ll eventually achieve your house goals.😊
All the best!
🌷Sam and Pedro 🇨🇦
Thank you so much Dirk for helping out YouTube friends. You’re the Bomb!!
Wow what a generous man Dirk is .such fantastic information for future planning.
Leuk wat je deed Dirk. Wel wat hèèèèèèèèl uitgebreid. Ieder zijn passie. No worries…
🙂 dont know how to add emojis, but love your channel 🙂
Wwwaaaawww it's impressive 😲 it must be exciting for you guys…I'm guessing that your imagination is all over the place now🤯 🏗🏡🪨📎🔧🔨🪟🛏🪑🛁 some people said in the comments that Dirk is a nice guy…but good people attract good people…🥰🥳👍 and I loved the end part…you've got a nice dose of Belgium sense of humor and a tiny bit of good kind of sarcasm this last few weeks 👍😅😂🤣 see you soon and don't forget to give a big hug to all your furry kids…oh quick question…how is it going with the eggs?
aw Sara, you shouldn't be shy, you do brilliantly
It sounds like you are very fortunate to have Dirk take in interest in helping you. I am so looking forward to how it all comes out!