Home Real Estate Pope Francis invites ALL Bishops to consecrate Russia to Immaculate Heart – Dr. Taylor Marshall

Pope Francis invites ALL Bishops to consecrate Russia to Immaculate Heart – Dr. Taylor Marshall

Pope Francis invites ALL Bishops to consecrate Russia to Immaculate Heart – Dr. Taylor Marshall

Pope Francis has invited all the Catholic bishops in the world to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains.

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  1. This is a subtle lie. The 4 Bishops in the Society of St. Pius X were not invited. The Society Bishops non the less joined in the Holy Fathers consecration of Russia and meeting our Lady's request as from Her Son, our Lord Jesus.

  2. Briefly, in response to your faith and recognizing heresy: yes, you can “say”, in fact you must “say” if a priest, bishop or pope is a heretic or apostate, and you hope to save your soul. I and I alone are responsible to “say” or recognize heresy and to flee heresy when I see it or hear it. The Church has never required or asked that the faithful remain trapped inside a heretical sect or wait for a formal pronouncement from the hierarchy before a pope, bishop or priest can be determined by the faithful to be a heretic or apostate and be allowed to be dismissed! How utterly idiotic .
    This false humility is a mockery to the teachings of the One, Holy, Catholic Church. It is also misleading thousands of souls. We are to work out our Faith with “ fear and trembling”.

  3. This will be ignored,no doubt,but before it gets buried, this snippet of an observation might help to cut through some of the confusion presented here. It begins-

    “Why does Our Lady add the word “certain” when telling us what will actually happen in the end, and not (on the left) when telling us what would happen if her requests were fulfilled precisely? It’s obviously because what would happen with the consecration of Russia would not be in perfect conformity with her original requests! The consecration would be “late,” and not with all the bishops! Thus, as Our Lady’s words prove, the triumph of Our Lady is not a universal triumph or reign of peace, as so many have suggested and promoted, but rather a “certain” period of peace – a mitigated, less profound period of peace than what heaven would have granted if “they listened” to her requests and fulfilled them precisely. This is similar to the message of Fatima on August 19th, when Our Lady told the children: “If you had not been taken away [by the Administrator on Aug. 13] to the City, the miracle [of Oct. 13th] would have been greater” (WTAF, Vol. 1, p. 235.) She told the children that their arrest on August 13th by the evil administrator of Ourem, which prevented them from being at the apparition site that day, caused the miracle on Oct. 13th to be less profound than what it would have been. Likewise, the Pope doing the consecration of Russia “late” and not with all the Bishops caused its conversion to peace not to be as profound as it would have been – but only to a “certain” period of peace.”
    Brother P Diamond

    Here are the words of Pope Pius XII:

    Pope Pius XII, Sacro Vergente Anno (Apostolic Letter), July 7, 1952: “…just as a few years ago We consecrated the entire human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, so today We consecrate and in a most special manner We entrust all the peoples of Russia to this Immaculate Heart…”

    Thus, it is an undeniable fact that Pope Pius XII specifically consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  4. This is extremely interesting and a brilliant observation, concerning Our Lady of Fatima’s mention of “ conversion” when referring to Russia:

    “The question that we must re-examine is: did Our Lady ever say that Russia would be converted to “the Catholic Faith”? Is there any evidence that Our Lady ever said that Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith? The answer (which will probably surprise many) is no. I have just completed a careful study of Frere Michel’s 3-volume work The Whole Truth About Fatima (more than 2000 pages on the issue). I was looking for some evidence, any evidence, that Our Lady ever said that the “conversion” of Russia means that the nation of Russia will be converted to the Catholic Faith. In the entire 3-volume set, there is no evidence whatsoever that Our Lord or Our Lady ever promised that Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith. [Please note: I’m not examining the question of whether heaven would want the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Faith, which of course it would, since outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. Rather, I’m addressing the question of whether heaven ever said or promised that the nation of Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith. There is no evidence that heaven ever promised that Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith.]

    “But of course it means that the entire country will be converted to the Catholic Faith,” as one person told us, “for it couldn’t mean anything else!” This person even said that it is absurd to think that Our Lady would ever use the word “conversion” to mean anything but a conversion to the true Faith. Oh really? Well, this person may be surprised to learn that in the Latin Vulgate's rendering of Proverbs 16:7 we find a reference to “conversion” that does not mean conversion to the true faith, but the conversion of a persecuting enemy to peace (i.e. to a cessation of his persecuting ways).
    In fact, notice the similarity between Our Lady’s words of July 13 and Proverbs 16:7 (according to the Vulgate): in the context of both, conversion is immediately linked with peace, after a man fulfills the request of the Lord.

    Proverbs 16:7- “When the ways of man shall please the Lord, He will convert even his enemies to peace.” Our Lady: “If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.”
    After deeply studying this issue I am of the firm opinion that Our Lady’s words correspond to what we read here in Proverbs 16:7: the “conversion” of Russia does not mean the conversion of the nation to the Catholic faith, but rather the conversion of a persecuting enemy (Russia) to a certain period of peace. We will see exactly what this means as we proceed and that the evidence from the message of Fatima supports this conclusion.”
    Brother Michael Diamond.

    I agree with the author.

  5. Our Lady of Fatima begged the children to get Russia Consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart or Russia would spread it errors all around the world.  Pope John Paul 11 Consecrated the world to Her Immaculate Heart, but not Russia in particular, this was not accepted.  Pope Francis has now decided to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to Her Immaculate Heart, tomorrow 25th March 2023 at 5pm start and 6.30 pm the prayer Rome Time.   All the world are urged to pray that this will help stop the war, that he does mention Russia, that all the Bishops agree and that it is not too late.


  7. Amen! Amen! Amen! Praise God for Pope Francis deciding to consecrate Russia on Friday 25 the March 2022 to the Sacred Heart of Immaculate Mary. Please Jesus Christ bring an end to chaos in Russia.

  8. The fact that we are here and praying for Russias conversion is a miracle in itself. St John Paul II (THE GREAT ) Consecrated his whole papacy to Our Lady of Fatima. He choose, Totus Tuus totally yours Mary !! He meant it and always listened to Our Ladys Request !! Today once again Our Lady calls us to join with the Bishops worldwide to consecrate Russia once again united together. Jesus prayer will then be fully realized as John 17, I pray Father that we may all be one as you are in me and I in you so the world will know that we are ONE !!

  9. Whether the text stipulates "order" or not, the issue, according to Fr. Nicholas Gruner is that the pope would probably have to order the bishops, threatening excommunication for those who do not comply, making their cooperation 0unnecessary, since they would no longer be Catholic Bishops. Many of them will not do it unless ordered. That's a moral certainty.

  10. In 1931 and 1936 respectively, Catholics in Germany and the Netherlands were forbidden from joining the Nazi Party. In 1949, Catholics throughout the world were forbidden from joining the Communist Party. Catholics are forbidden from joining secret societies like the Free Masons too.

    In the church’s official Code of Canon Law, Canon 287 also states that priests “are not to have an active part in political parties and in governing labor unions UNLESS, in the judgment of competent ecclesiastical authority, the protection of the rights of the Church or the promotion of the common good requires it.”

    The Democrat party supports contraception, abortion, Planned Parenthood and LGBTQ which are all contrary to our Catholic faith.

    Why are the Bishops not taking a stand against the Democrat party?

  11. Dr Marshall: Pope Francis is the Pope. Pope Benedict cannot handle this kind of event. He is too old for world events. Second, Ukraine has to be included in this consecration. Why? For starters, they were part of Russia and the Soviet Union. Ukraine is the victim here. And you are saying that only Russia should be consecrated? In other circumstances, this would have happened consecrating Russia alone. But Russia is spreading her errors once again. Please show some joy. This is good news! This is amazing! What else do you want? It looks like this is going to be the real thing! God always chooses the unlikely, the unprepared, the uneducated, the illiterate. I am not a Francis fan. But I agree with the way he is planning this. Invitation? Yes. No one can be forced to do this. This is an act of faith, not an act of obligation. This is also an act of obedience and courage. Many things are at risk here. But we need to keep the faith. Rejoice and be glad!

  12. Things are not and will not be crystal clear with Francis. Many think he likes it that way. Says one thing one day and the opposite the next; he refuses to correct heresy and so forth. Confusion will continue I suspect.

  13. Please Virgin Mary, please bless our earth with good blessings for all. We need peace on earth right now. We need you in our lives. I hope the consecration will make you happy. I hope they all do it the right way this time.

  14. 🔴 People, are you sooooo gullible??? I believe this is a false prophecy being promoted. These three kids in Fatima did not see Mary! They saw SATAN! 🤷🏽‍♂️ Yes … Satan garbed like an angel of light! And today, the Global Elites are using this Pope and the Fatima story to portray Russia as soooo bad, and that Russia needs this socalled "consecration to the heart of Mary."

    My dear people, be careful. This does not look biblical ! First, you can not consecrate anyone to Gd much less Mary! After hearing the gospel message, people must be able consecrate themselves! Nobody and no Pope can do it for you!

    And this Pope is a very very shady character. He shakes hands with global elites. He blesses abortion tainted vaccines when their are other medical altetnatives. He appears to support gays, and he is dead silent on the persecutions of Christians in China. I am afraid promoting these Fatima apparations at this time is all part of the globalist agenda, which this Pope is apart of !

    Note – anyone who falls for replacing Mary for Gd, is committing idolatry. Mary can not forgive your sins. You must exercise your free-will and go direct to Gd. It doesn't matter if you are Russian or not a Russian. Use your commonsense! We ALL must consecrate ourselves to Gd.

    🙏🏽 Blessings

  15. The Pope is a wolf in sheep's clothing friends. Mary is dead in the grave waiting for the soon return of her Savouur.. the dead no nothing. YouTube babylon is alive and well by David Assherick

  16. An archbishop, an auxiliary bishop, an emeritus archbishop, a greek-catholic bishop and an apostolic nuncio walk into a bar. Kidding, they just live in the same city. Do all of them have to do the consecration?

    Also, does it have to be at 5 PM Rome time? I know that the archbishop from my story (it is actually a real one) will do it during the 5:30 PM liturgy.

    Btw, I think it's ok to add Ukraine. And if Benedict is the pope and if the pope needs to give the order, that would imply Benedict needs to be the leader.


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