Home Immigration Portugal: 5 Best Places to Visit

Portugal: 5 Best Places to Visit

Portugal: 5 Best Places to Visit

I’m some guy named Dave and these are my Top 5 Places to visit in Portugal. But hey, what do I know? 🤷‍♂️

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  1. If you want To say “Portugal” like a native say “purtugal” the 1at “u” has the same sound of the second “u”. Your “r” and “t” sound are 💯

  2. We just got back tonight from Portugal. Spent 2 weeks there and only hit one of your top 5. Saw so much awesome things and still only hit about half of the things we wanted to. So many great things to see and do there.

  3. Mate! how about some instruments? like the Cavaquinho or portugues guitar they are quite interesting, since you play guitar might be not so hard and also try the N 2 route from Faro to Chaves
    (3º comenting on video, about instruments, you are not gonna stop me) #dadbod

  4. My Top 5 Best Places to visit in Portugal:
    – Serra da Boa Viagem (Figueira da Foz).
    – All the caves in the Serra de Aire mountain: Mira de Aire, Alvados, Santo António and Moeda.
    – São Martinho do Porto bay.
    – Almourol Castle.
    – Batalha monastery.

  5. When you have the opportunity visit northern Portugal and have your mind blown away! It's awesome to see foreigners appreciate Portugal! Gotta love my country… Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  6. I’m Portuguese (from Évora 😊) and I love America! Glad you’re enjoying Portugal and I also like to see when people put an effort to speak correctly. Your Portuguese accent is almost flawless, very impressive for a non native and you got the hang of it in just a few months (right?).

  7. Mannn!!!you really jumped?its not photoshop??mm?i think it was,guys!hahahahaah!!awesome!you knew that in sintra in th ewoods ther usted to be witchcraft?satanic ones?they say that place is a center of some mojo energy think…!oh!!!you lik eadrenaline and explore?come to boom next july in Idanha-a-nova….the place around it is wonderful..you lik ethose things,,old villages…see you thre Dave!:)


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