Home Immigration Portugal immigration updates | Portugal immigration laws 2023 | Waqar Sahi |

Portugal immigration updates | Portugal immigration laws 2023 | Waqar Sahi |

Portugal immigration updates | Portugal immigration laws 2023 | Waqar Sahi |

#portugal #portugalimmigrationlaw2023 #waqarsahi
Portugal immigration updates | Portugal immigration laws 2023 | Waqar Sahi |

In this video, I am going to share some of the new Portugal immigration facts.
What is the immigration and work difference between Portugal and other Schengen countries?

Please watch the full video to know about the above subject.

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  1. Brother i hear your video.in this video you said,if someone baby born in portugal. He/she can apply nationality aftater 3 years.could you explain me more.i got my frist trc last year in nov.next month we hoping for safe delivery. Please tell me,when i apply for nationality.


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