Home Resorts Portugal kayaking road trip

Portugal kayaking road trip

Portugal kayaking road trip

Chasing rain water before the snow melt season starts!

Got to kayak a lot on the rivers, my favourite river was the “Vez” river. So many good rapids and a pretty cool waterfall in that one! The Castro Laboreiro river was also incredible! Actually, all the rivers I kayaked on where great.

Hard times filming without Adrian and the crew but I hope I got some alight shots for you.

Also, full honesty. I treat my car like a princess and do actually wash it. I just wanted to see if I could horrify anyone with how dirty my car was when I was about to leave!



  1. Hi Bren I just got a new scorch and can’t wait to use it. Could you please do a video on what u keep in your boat and in your watershed I really liked Adrian’s vid on what’s in his pfd but want to know how you arrange your boat thanks 🙂

  2. I kinda feel like the main point of that video was to show off your Volvo estate…and I 100% approve of this decision, it is a thing of beauty and as a fellow Volvo owner and kayak owner, I get the buzz that you feel. Next time more car shots please.

  3. Great video!… good choice of car… C4 xara Picasso… you can fit a 9r2 Large inside… and full winter paddling kit (90l bag) 203cm paddle … AND camping kit … just saying

  4. Check your air mass sensor, sometimes those are messed up reducing in a loss of power. Can be fixed temporarely with some break cleaner. Turbos usually break permanently. 😉

  5. That was such a fun bunch of runs!
    Where did you find the beta on those creeks, Bren?
    Looks like a great alternative to running the Spanish creeks in the Pyrinees! Didn't those have water yet by the time you returned from Portugal?

    Cool that your approach with the drone and running those waterfalls worked out so well. Especially to be able to retrieve the drone when you had counted on maybe losing it!

    That Atlantic surfing attempt looked like a lot of fighting through the surf for very few fun surfing runs. Rather you than me! ;-P
    I've done my share of kayak surfing in the sea, and that didn't look like the best conditions…

  6. i had to laugh so hard when in the end you got finally raked in back to the beach because i know that experience so well from kayaking the ocean in my playboat!
    you fight and fight and fight so hard to get out there. every boof feels like you hit an elevator and you go up that lift (and if feels awesome) but then you just get unlucky and a wave is breaking right in you face so you cant get over and those 10-15 minutes of work you spend getting out are just washed back to square one.

  7. if you guys are going to piemont region, maybe you can check out the well known san giovanni, and try a triple crown of all 3 sections (although i have not ever seen any footage of the lower section. only top (to the waterfall combo) and middle section (from waterfall combo to dam). would love to see the 3-in-1!
    (no clue wether the tree in the must run in the upper section is still there though.)


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