Home Immigration Portugal Tax Planning for Freelancers & Self Employed

Portugal Tax Planning for Freelancers & Self Employed

Portugal Tax Planning for Freelancers & Self Employed

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Portugal has been extremely popular in the past and its popularity only seems to be increasing! Here on this channel topics about Portugal are among the most popular, and lots of our clients are considering Portugal as a part of their strategy.

Portugal is interesting because of so many things: tax efficiency especially around crypto, the famous NHR program, the most popular Golden Visa in the world, amazing food and weather, good quality of life, entrepreneurial community, etc.

We’ve been informed that Portugal is so popular among ex-pats, that their banks stopped accepting new applicants for Golden Visa until the end of the year. The volume is more than they can handle.

When it comes to Portuguese taxes, and tax planning there has been some bad advice circulating, and it’s our duty to inform you about those so you don’t end up in trouble.

Who are we and what do we do?

We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc.

We have lots of interesting articles on different topics, we have relevant information up to date.

Author: Michael Rosmer

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