California residents are fleeing to the country of Portugal and in many cases bringing problems that have made life more difficult for natives, according to the Los Angeles Times report.
A story titled “Welcome to Portugal, the new expat haven. Californians, please go home,” reports that the number of Americans living in Portugal has risen by 45% in the past year with many of those Americans moving from California in order to escape high housing costs, pandemic lockdowns, and “Trumpian politics” in the United States.
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united states
We feel your pain. Californians have become a nuisance even to us Americans living in different states. We had a huge influx of Californians here in Texas and they are driving everything up including rent. We hate the fact that a huge portion of these people from california have moved here. They turned their "Golden shower' state into shit and now they move here with their ridiculous ways and want to change our state to become like the cesspool that California is.
Hmmm.. which political party is the majority in California? Which political party ideology is implemented in California? These Californians moving away are not Trump supporters. Why move away from the most progressive and liberal haven in the U.S.?
An MSN site posted this story and said under the video that another reason Californians were fleeing the state was because of Trumpian politics… in 2022. I'm sorry but Trumps been out of office for 2 years, his politics are not in California. California voted him out.. how does that make sense? The entire state is blue, not red. What's ruining the state and what they're running from are democrat politics that have ruined everything.
Califonians need to wake up. How hard is it to recognize that voting blue is ruining everything. Then they move and continue to vote blue where they move to. It's so stupid. If they want to escape the problems why continue voting for what's causing the problems. Do yourself a favor Once in your life vote Republican.
It's called GREED baby. We see this in Costa Rica too. At the tourist areas, prices are outrageous, even as compared tot he US. In one place, a personal size pizza cost $31, water was $7 and then they slapped a service fee on top of this. We asked the concierge at our hotel where the locals eat, so we walked a couple of blocks and ate at a place packed with locals. The food was great and it cost about 10% of what they charge Americans. They love Americans. The dollar signs gleam in their eyes when they see you coming. It wasn't like this in Ecuador though. New Zealanders are pretty mercenary too. People in Auckland buy portable houses and put them in their back yards and rent them out for high rent too. Then they want you to pay their property tax, the water bill and do all the maintenance on them too. They say "Everything is so dear here" because everything is imported, which is not true. When you get right down to it, everything in the US is now imported from China too.
Good old Fox news to spin everything. Whose fault is it, actually that rental prices are rising? Not the new people. It's the mercenary landlords and property owners just like here. Tell me what increases in costs have landlords had that justifies these astronomical increases?
Wow, the same thing Americans have been doing to the USVI. Also the same thing they did to Hawaii and how they took control of that country.
ফেলিসিডেস, এটি মিনাংকাবাউ উদাহরণ। 250 sentadillas son unos LIKESEX.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Dadi dejag ver que hay muy buenos ফলাফল 😍👍
They did the same thing to Tennessee!