Home Real Estate Portuguese Monarchs Family Tree

Portuguese Monarchs Family Tree

Portuguese Monarchs Family Tree

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The Life & Times of Pedro I:

The Life & Times of Pedro II:

Who Would be Emperor of Brazil Today?

Narration by Jack Rackam
Chart by Matt Baker
Animation by Syawish Rehman
Intro music “Lord of the Land” by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0. Available from



  1. Is there a chart listing the mothers all the way back to eve. And some history of the mothers?

    Adam & Eve seed = seth
    Seth & Azura = Enosh
    Enos & Noam = Kenan
    Kenan & Mualeleth =Mahalalel
    Mahalalel & Dinah = Jared
    Jared & Awan =Enoch
    Enoch & ? = Methuselah

    Skipping forward👇

    Nahor & Micah = Terah
    Terah & Enda = Abraham
    Abraham & Sarah = Isaac
    Isaac & Rebecca =Jacob
    Jacob & Leah = Judah

  2. dont there supposed to be the time of reign on the years for them people because alfonso v seemed out of place and it turns out it was the years of his birth and death. Or so i found out from wikipedia.

  3. My parents were born in Madeira and came to South Africa as young children. I have tried to read up about the Portuguese royal families as I am interested in history. Your chart is beautifully laid out and I appreciated how you highlighted the names and thank you for explaining it so well. Well Done on pronouncing the very long Portuguese name! 👑👑🌟🌟

  4. I remember the stories my grandmother and aunt would tell me about Portuguese royalty. It is nice to see a chart to follow and understand it better. It gives me a sense of understanding of the history better. Thank you for your time explaining in detail.

  5. [Leibniz's contingency argument for God, clarified]:

    Ten whole, rational numbers 0-9 and their geometric counterparts 0D-9D.

    0 and it's geometric counterpart 0D are:
    1) whole
    2) rational
    3) not-natural (not-physical)
    4) necessary

    1-9 and their geometric counterparts 1D-9D are:
    1) whole
    2) rational
    3) natural (physical)
    4) contingent

    Newton says since 0 and 0D are
    "not-natural" ✅
    then they are also
    "not-necessary" 🚫.

    Newton also says since 1-9 and 1D-9D are "natural" ✅
    then they are also
    "necessary" 🚫.

    This is called "conflating" and is repeated throughout Newton's Calculus/Physics/Geometry/Logic.


    combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one.

    Leibniz does not make these fundamental mistakes.

    Leibniz's "Monadology" 📚 is zero and it's geometric counterpart zero-dimensional space.

    0D Monad (SNF)
    1D Line (WNF)
    2D Plane (EMF)
    3D Volume (GF)

    We should all be learning Leibniz's Calculus/Physics/Geometry/Logic.

    Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 for a reason. The Fibonacci triangle is 0, 1, 2 (Not 1, 2, 3).

    Newton's 1D-4D "natural ✅ =
    necessary 🚫" universe is a contradiction.

    Natural does not mean necessary. Similar, yet different.

    Not-natural just means no spatial extension; zero size; exact location only. Necessary.

    Newtonian nonsense will never provide a Theory of Everything.

    Leibniz's Law of Sufficient Reason should be required reading 📚..

  6. There are many descendants of Queen Maria II from her daughters including the former Saxon royal family. However Portuguese succession laws require all heirs to be born in Portugal so those lines are excluded.

  7. Fun fact about the descendents of Dom Pedro II: they still want to come back to power and even have made some political alliances, especially with far-right parties, but at the end of the day they have no real power, we don't want them and they are known here in Brazil as "herdeiros de porra nenhuma" or in english "heirs of fucking nothing" and I think that's beautiful <3

  8. 7:09 That map of the treaty of Tordesillas has a mistake: both in the treaty of Tordesillas (1494) and in the previous Treaty of Alcáçovas (1479), the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic was for Castile (Spain).

  9. we gotta all praise jack rackam for doing pedro i's full name, not once here but in his original video as well as the full name of pedro ii in that video. in one take. thats amazing

  10. Your pronunciation of “joao” was pretty good, it was perfect actually. King afonso the first of Portugal is my ancestor as well as Afonso V. A couple of relatives were witnesses to the tordesilles treaty such as rui Leme who was the brother of another ancestor of mine, navigator Antonio Leme. 😊😊😊 loving this video! The monarchist movement in Brazil is huuuge, specially amongst young people. You’d be surprised! It’s huge and growing


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