Home Immigration Prepare for the Canadian Real Estate Bubble

Prepare for the Canadian Real Estate Bubble

Prepare for the Canadian Real Estate Bubble

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And our Guide on Real Estate Investment in Lisbon, Portugal:

Will the Canadian real estate market crash in 2022?

Real estate investing is just one option if you want to build wealth. Securities like stocks and bonds offer a much more liquid place to stash and grow your money. But How can you be calm when living in a high-tax country without an option? Where Your government is looking for more ways to take away your freedom.

Home prices in Canada have officially doubled under Justin Trudeau Because of many factors, including inflation. What would happen with the property market in Canada, and where are better places to invest money in real estate. In this video, Andrew shares all the details.

00:00 Start
1:03 Real Estate in Canada
3:09 Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate
5:08 Living in Montenegro
5:28 Living in Bangkok
5:58 Living in Turkey
8:20 Best Asset Protection Strategies
9:27 How to Leave Canada

Check out more videos about Canada:

Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.

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Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.



  1. I will forever be in-depted to you 😇 you've changed my life I'll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear, you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment, Thanks Ms Rita Matt 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. do you know why many move to Canada? its not money. Its security. piss someone off where you are going. piss the government off. no one will find you and your family.

  3. We rent a brand new 3 bedroom apartment in Bogota Colombia for just over $700 per month Canadian funds. It is centrally located and only 5 minutes from the airport. You can eat steak and other meat in small local restaurants for less than what it costs in the grocery store. I fed 4 people empanadas and Coca Cola at a restaurant for $7 TOTAL. Not $7 each …. $7 total for all 4 of us.

  4. the next hurdle, is that to leave canada, you have to be vaccinated. if you refuse vaccination, you cannot leave. want to enter the USA and unvaccinated? good luck.

  5. Lol how on earth are you going to enter another country carrying half a million dollars cash, you’ll be taxed up the ying yang or is there some sort of work around that?

  6. This is terrible advice look at the past 10 years not the past 1 year don't ever sell especially in BC. Refinance and buy more assets. If you sell you're going to lose so much value from the transactions alone

  7. bank of canada started buying bonds in 2014 to create artificial demand for banks to lend at extremely low rates creating the real estate bubble that will pop when rates go up to catch up to an inflating dollar. sell and go to an undervalued country

  8. One of the main factors to the housing bubble is Trudeau's mass immigration. He's bringing in 300,000 immigrants per year, which is like bringing in an additional city every year. Most of them go to Toronto and Vancouver. The only way to hedge against this is by investing smartly in stocks, which the rich can do. The people who suffer are the middle and working class. NDP is supposed to support the working class, but instead, NDP threw the working class under the bus, by voting with Trudeau for the Emergencies Act and by supporting Trudeau until 2025.


  10. All these dummies in the comments continue to believe in their bullshi democracies. Your vote don't mean nothing, sorry to break it to you, what we have are selections not elections. Those who know, know, and the rest will keep voting themselves into doom.

  11. This video is marketing to the top 5% earners. Not many people in Canada make 10g a month Mr. Americano
    Most are not able to afford to buy and suggesting those who do own, sell and risk buying in a different country where they might potentially not find stable work, or be able to work as a Canadian while overseas is bad advice iMO

  12. What season is the best for buyers? Spring when most people have houses up and there's more on the market ? In in Gatineau Quebec near Ottawa… Prices are unreal…Trudeau is killing the middle class…. Over 70% of my pay went to some form of tax…very sad

  13. Hahahaha, ten grand a month??? You are clearly out of touch with everyday Canadians. On a full time basis, that amounts to $62.50 per hour, which is almost 3 times what I make 4 times what many people make. We are imprisoned in Canada and we have a wannabe dictator who by fraudulent means obtained his PM job.

  14. This season has really been great.. Mrs. Clarissa is the right person to start trading cryptocurrency with.. she knows her way around the crypto world.. she has been helping me increase my investment every day for over months… She is a genius, have made close to 1btc through her

  15. How does one ‘leave the Canadian tax system’ while retaining your passport? I have seen information on this topic before but the GOC goes out of their way to hide the option of claiming ‘non-government’ status from the citizens.

  16. Andrew, I recently found you on YT and watched close to a 100 of your videos. I am considering leavings Canada and buying/moving to Dominican Republic. The north of the island is very popular with Expats. So far I didn’t hear you mention this country in any good or bad way. Any reason why? Any opinion about choosing DR? Thank you

  17. The bubble will not be a correction to the market, the bubble will create the undertaking which will leave alot if all dependent on the government. Home ownership will become very rare. It just it what is is because people weren't willing to sit still and helped create the nightmare by participating.

  18. Let's face it the no.1 reason people don't move IS NOT they don't have enough money. It's family or the fact their job is tied to a specific location. I've spoke to many people who would love to leave. I like your videos and agree with you on most points but it's not that simple for 99% of people.

  19. "Suppressed freedoms"…?
    "Take back your freedom"…?
    A bit dramatic
    (Actually, more than a bit)
    Of course, everybody is entitled to invest anywhere in the world, for maximum self-benefit (to the extent that is legal)
    But, there's nowhere in the world that is more free, overall, than Canada, or the West, in general
    Unless, your usage of "freedom" really means "your financial returns will be free of the pesky limitations / taxation levels typically imposed by first-world civil societies"
    But, that's not really "freedom"
    That's capitalist blood-sucking vampirism
    Not that I'm making any judgements… 🤣

  20. Man, you took too long to make this video and the properties are going to lose value from 25% to 40%, and the minimum is going to be $15,CAD per hour, if you had done it 5 or 3 years ago, it would have been a good advice

  21. While bitcoin's wild <price movements might seem random, they are often driven by the same fundamental catalysts as in the traditional markets. Some claim bitcoin is impervious to shocks that affect global finance; it's a hedge against things like inflation and a sure bet against tides of uncertainty. Moves within traditional finance can boost or burn bitcoin's price because they determine how easy it is for financial epicenters like Wall Street to invest in bitcoin…Keeping all this in mind, it is important to trade with the right strategy when going into the crypto world. Connor Jordan has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my port folio to 11BTC lately……

  22. Anyone heard of this trending algorithmic method of trading. just learned it quite recently making millions for investors who know their way around it. is it some sort of blockchain or the 'web 3.0' stuff spreading around now. I also want a piece of the cake


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